
darth sidious vs mother talzin

The Clan Mother joined her sisters on the front line of battle, using magicks to conjure a protective bubble around herself while unleashing a flurry of destructive lightning[9] on the approaching droid forces. A Dathomirian female, Talzin was a member of the Nightsisters prior to the Clone Wars. She could also incinerate or form objects with her magic, as she was able to melt the silver orb that contained Count Dooku's lock of hair,[20] as well as create a drinking cup for Dooku when he visited her. [3][9] She now relied on her sons and their rapidly growing criminal army—known as the Shadow Collective[12]—to execute her revenge against Sidious. Content approaching. [23][6][3], As the leader of her Nightsisters, Talzin taught them to be loyal to nobody except each other and to only focus on themselves and their sisters. His free will was largely destroyed by the magicks, making him a puppet who was ultimately loyal to Talzin alone. The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character. Maul and his army won the battle, and he contacted Talzin afterward to inform her of Dooku and Grievous's capture. He had little memory of his former life and no knowledge of Opress, but agreed to return with his brother to Dathomir under the temptation of revenge against the one figure who he could recall: Obi-Wan Kenobi. Mother Talzin. [14] At one point during his exile, Maul was able to lure a scavenger ship to Lotho Minor. In combat, Mother Talzin was capable of creating a green protection bubble capable of absorbing blaster fire[20] and Force lightning, although it was useless as a barrier against physical attacks. The Clan Mother helped Opress to his feet and revealed that there was indeed a way he could learn such strength. Using her magicks and a portion of her life energy,[3] she was able to repair Maul's damaged mind and build him a fully functional set of new legs formed from salvaged droid parts,[22] and after doing so could still manifest in the physical world by using her son's body as a vessel.[6]. The experience left Ventress with a need for vengeance against the Sith similar to Talzin's own, and the two agreed to work together against the Count in retribution for his disloyalty. During their meeting, Dooku, who was unaware of Talzin's hatred of the Sith, asked that the Nightsisters ally with him and pledge themselves to the Confederacy. [32] Merrin, meanwhile, survived in the wilds of Dathomir, taking control of the surviving Nightbrothers after Talzin's death and becoming highly proficient with Nightsister magicks much like her former Mother. 4. After being revived by Talzin and forming the Shadow Collective as per his mother's wishes, Maul was captured by Darth Sidious and imprisoned, only to break out with the help of his Mandalorian allies. He reported his findings to Talzin, who was monitoring his progress from afar on Dathomir. Although Talzin was aware of Maul's incredible survival, she was unable to rescue him and thus remained on Dathomir to plot her revenge against Sidious and his Sith, with her ultimate goal being galactic domination. Many years later, Maul attempted to recruit the young Ezra Bridger as an apprentice, recounting how he was ripped from his mother's arms by Sidious. While she did care for the Nightsisters,[13] Talzin's greatest attachment[6] was to her "beloved son," Darth Maul,[23] which ran contrary to her culture that viewed males as expendable tools for breeding. [32] Shortly after Talzin's own death,[3] Ventress would ultimately give her life to save Vos from the dark side and be reunited with her clan once her body was returned to the waters of the Nightsister village. Zabrak (Dathomirian)[4] Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. [14] She displayed a snarky and dismissive side when confronted by Mace Windu, sarcastically declaring she was a "simple witch" and beneath his attention. Maul and Opress did succeed in forming the Shadow Collective as a power base but were quickly found and defeated by Darth Sidious himself. Although Ventress believed she was now powerless because Opress had forsaken the Nightsisters, Talzin welcomed her back with open arms, insisting that she needed to abandon the Sith ways in totality and rejoin her sisters as a member of the coven. Biography She survived but was furious by her Master's betrayal and so traveled back to Dathomir to reconnect with her people and find revenge.[5]. Characters Battles Teams Super Powers Forum Feed Collections. Kenobi, knowing that Dathomir was a matriarchal society, saw through the ruse and demanded that Talzin aid them. Although their early attempts to assassinate Dooku failed, Talzin had a long-term plan for the Sith Lord's demise: she would provide Dooku with a new apprentice in the form of the Nightbrother Savage Opress, who was also one of Talzin's children. [33] When Goodson auditioned for the part, she was told that the creative staff of The Clone Wars wanted a "Romanian witch" type of voice. Savage's death would continue to fuel his brother Maul's rage for the rest of his life. But is she strong enough to defeat the Dark Lord of the Sith? Mother Talzin jumped at the opportunity and contacted the Count with an offer to replace his lost Nightsister with a highly skilled Nightbrother to train as a pupil. [12] Crippled and left for dead, the Sith was stranded on Lotho Minor, a garbage planet in the Outer Rim Territories. Sort by. At one point, in order to cloak their ship with a magical spell, she asked the fallen Mother and her sisters to lend her their strength through a magical talisman. Team Mother Talzin vs Darth Sidious. Her Force abilities are potent enough that they should be able to keep Palpatine at a distance, so dueling skills might not come into play. Their investigations led them to the Nightsister village, where they were received by Mother Talzin in her chambers. 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For years, Palpatine groomed and molded Anakin Skywalker towards becoming the one of the strongest Sith Lords to rule over the galaxy. [13] In private she displayed a much kinder attitude towards him, such as when she comforted Savage when he returned following his betrayal of Ventress,[14] and they regarded each other with mutual respect when Savage arrived on Dathomir with Maul. This set in motion the long-awaited plot for revenge against Sidious, beginning with a mission to assassinate his apprentice and closest confidant. Although Talzin was extremely powerful, she asked one of the elder Nightsisters to use a resurrection spell, showing that she may not have mastered the ability to resurrect the dead.[20]. Homeworld The command was carried out at the Battle of Sullust, where Dooku ordered Ventress's own Confederate forces to fire on her. [13] His brutal attack was caught on surveillance by the Republic, alerting the Jedi Order and their Grand Army to the existence of this new Sith apprentice. Darth Sidious and General Grievous arrived shortly after, having tracked Dooku's signal. [6] She didn't think very highly of the Jedi either, telling blatant lies to Anakin and Obi-Wan when they arrived seeking information on Savage's whereabouts, though she did eventually relent upon further prodding. [13][22] Talzin was capable of using her powers to torture Count Dooku using a lock of Dooku's own hair even though the Count was on a completely different planet at the time. [20], Daka's spellcraft helped Ventress to turn the tide of battle against the Confederacy, but Talzin sought additional assurances of victory. By sacrificing part of her own energies to resurrect her son, she trapped herself in the spirit world, unable to embrace her full strength and without a complete physical body. Talzin, a Dathomirian female, lived during the final decades of the Old Republic prior to the rise of the Galactic Empire. Fifteen years after Opress's death, Maul recalled the loss of Opress while explaining his hatred of the Sith to Ezra Bridger in an attemptto make him his new apprentice. Maul succeeded in capturing Dooku and transported him back to the heart of Talzin's power on Dathomir, where his mother possessed the Count's body and nearly killed him. Sign Up Login. [19], When Savage and Maul returned to Dathomir, Talzin led them to her village, where she removed Maul's spider-like cybernetics and used magicks[22] and some of her own life energy[3] to restore Maul's sanity and memories, while additionally providing him with a new pair of cybernetic legs. This thread is archived. Sidious’ secret plan for Maul reveals itself in the comic book Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir, which shows how the Sith lord uses his former apprentice to find Mother Talzin and kill her. [3] Thanks to Talzin's sacrifice, Maul ultimately managed to survive the Clone Wars and wound up hiding on Malachor where he continued plotting revenge against the Sith and their Empire. [21] Projecting her presence from the spirit world as a ghostly specter, Talzin found Ventress lost and orphaned once more. A conniving witch who would do anything to secure the safety of her Dathomirian brethren, her mastery of magic makes her a formidable foe to any Jedi and even the Dark Lord of the Sith himself. Acting as a mother figure she was very sympathetic with Asajj Ventress aiding her and giving her hugs. Created by xerodeep. Ventress was convinced that her bid for revenge was foiled, but Talzin revealed that her plot was only beginning to unfold. Maul's obsession with Kenobi caused the plot against Sidious to be derailed multiple times,[22][24] but he and Opress eventually managed to recruit at army of underworld enforcers backed by the highly disciplined Death Watch exiles of Mandalore. Who will win in a fight between Mother Talzin and Darth Sidious? She revealed that Sidious sought a new apprentice to replace Dooku—similarly to how she herself was cast aside—and explained her history with the Sith Lord, also revealing that Maul was her son much to Dooku's shock. Stronger than Pre-Dark Empire Luke Skywalker. [9] Although she did gain notoriety for selling the services of the Nightsisters' warriors and assassins to wealthy clients, Talzin maintained strict loyalty to her clan[1] and refused to ally with either of the warring factions. On the run after a disastrous defeat at the hands of General Grievous, Maul implored Talzin for help and her image materialized from his chest in the form of green mist. At some point, Darth Sidious got his hands on his very own Zabrak, a son of Mother Talzin—one full of hatred, power, and the markings of a warrior. Talzin's expertise in magicks was significant enough to attract the attention of the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, who came to Dathomir ostensibly to trade dark side Force teachings with Talzin and take her as his own Sith apprentice. She initially denied any knowledge of him, claiming that the Nightsisters lived as outcasts and maintained no contact with Dathomir's men. u/WippitGuud. Recognizing the attacker as a member of the Nightbrother clan, Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker traveled to Dathomir to uncover his identity. She comforted Ventress when the younger Nightsister blamed herself for bringing the Separatists to Dathomir, and also defended her fellow Nightsisters with her magick. [20] She was also able to contact members of the Frangawl Cult in the form of visions. We have information on your potential job duties in a sticky thread located in each of the respective subforums, leading to our application. Physical description People say Mother Talzin is similar to Darth Sidious as she too has a scheme she is trying to put into effect (helping both Savage and Ventress when they … Asajj Ventress vs Mother Talzin. Opress was Maul's biological brother and, after falling under the influence of her magick, became completely loyal to his mother and was hidden in the ranks of the Sith. While initially helping Ventress in her quest for revenge, she was also adamant in her belief that she should return home and renounce the ways of the Sith. Sidious stomps 10/10 depending on the version. There, she met up with Opress and challenged Dooku; the Dathomiri duo very nearly killed the Count, but the Sith Lord was able to subdue Opress to Ventress's great chagrin. Ventress gave in to the Mother's wishes and followed the Jedi to Toydaria. Talzin encouraged Ventress to strike at Dooku at his home on Serenno and selected the clan's two strongest warriors to accompany her on the journey—Naa'leth and Karis. [10], Talzin's look was based on the "Nightsister Sith witch," an unused piece of concept art by Iain McCaig from Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace for what would become Darth Maul.[35]. She held her own against Mace Windu, tortured Dooku, made Savage Oppress pretty Op, and her power was such that Darth Sidious himself believed that even an entire droid army would be unable to defeat her. Shortly afterward Maul and Dooku were interrupted by an attack by Obi-Wan Kenobi and several other Jedi, and Dooku opted to join Maul,[6] though Talzin's son realized that this was a ploy and had the Nightbrothers arrange for Dooku to be used as the sacrifice for the Mother's resurrection. 100% Upvoted. Mother Talzin vs Maleficent. Talzin began her voodoo attack simply by holding the doll over a boiling cauldron, causing blisters and painful burns to appear on Dooku's face. Recognizing that the witches were vastly outnumbered, Ventress informed Talzin that they would need an army to have any chance at defeating Grievous, motivating Talzin to seek out Old Daka, an elder witch who would be able to assemble the required reinforcements. However, Jedi Master Mace Windu and Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks were hot on their trail and arrived at the temple. Maul prayed to a monolith, imploring Talzin to reveal herself, and Talzin's essence manifested from the stone and possessed Dooku. Darth Sidious vs Mother Talzin. Talzin presents Savage Opress to Count Dooku. Mother Talzin using her magick to fight the Confederate army. Talzin again appeared from Maul's chest and told Dooku to forgive their previous disagreements on account of Dooku only following Sidious's will. [5], Ten years before the Clone Wars began, Talzin's son—now known by the Sith moniker of Darth Maul—was defeated and presumably killed by the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Battle of Naboo. She lived on her homeworld of Dathomir[1] as the mother to her sons Savage Opress[8] and the child who would eventually become known as Darth Maul. The world was invaded by Dooku's droid armies shortly thereafter and nearly all of the Nightsisters were wiped out by the Confederate General Grievous and his forces, with the exception of Ventress and Talzin herself. [Star Wars] Mother Talzin Vs Sidious? 3 wins (100%) Yoda Yoda: 153 K: Darth Sidious Sheev Palpatine: 4.1 K: team class: 157 K: 0 wins (0%) Mother Talzin was a manipulative witch who showed different aspects of her personality depending on who she interacted with. He became more patient, planning moves far in advance of their fruition. Summary. As the witch collapsed to her knees from the exertion, Grievous bypassed her defenses and impaled her with his lightsabers. Talzin refused, sticking to her original offer of a single Nightbrother—specifically one of Darth Maul's kinsmen. Before he could execute the Mother herself, Talzin vanished into a green smoke, dissolving her physical form and fleeing into the spirit world to seek refuge. Depends. After being orphaned on Rattatak the young Dathomirian pledged herself to Count Dooku as an aspiring Sith apprentice and Confederate commander, and although she carried out her Master's will dutifully for many missions, Darth Sidious became wary of her growing strength and ordered that Dooku kill Ventress. [21], Mother Talzin's main loyalties laid with the Nightsisters[13] and with her son Maul, and her primary goals were to exact revenge against Darth Sidious and eventually rule the galaxy alongside her son. [11] Although Maul was bisected by a lightsaber, his deep connection to the dark side of the Force allowed him to survive. Affiliation(s) The blade produced from the "mouth" of the hilt was wreathed in green flames. -They know there is a Darth Sidious is out there. [23][19], She succeeded in restoring her son's mind and body, but the impressive exertion of magick power took a great toll on Mother Talzin. Unlike other members of her kind, she claimed to not have a natural connection with the Force;[7] despite this, her powers were in fact derived from the Nightsister's unique connection to the Force, which allowed her to craft a crystal ball to see the future or events across the galaxy. Talzin reluctantly complied, taking the infant Asajj Ventress from her mother and surrendering her to Hal'Sted. The sword's hilt closely resembled the face of Malmourral, the demon worshiped by the Frangawl Cult. However, when Talzin realized that the Nightsisters were going to lose the battle, she fled, and rather than continuing to give Ventress sanctuary she told her to leave and find her own path[20] so Talzin could focus on her endgame: vengeance against the Sith.[6]. Being berated by both his Master and his Nightsister mistress, Opress broke down and attacked both of them. A conniving witch who would do anything to secure the safety of her Dathomirian brethren, her mastery of magic makes her a formidable foe to any Jedi and even the Dark Lord of the Sith himself. Understanding that Opress was close to finding his brother, Talzin began making the necessary arrangements to bring Maul back to health without the aid and support she traditionally received from her coven of spellcasters. Ventress returned from the Selection with the Zabrak Savage Opress in tow[13]—a Nightbrother who, unbeknownst to all but Talzin, was another one of her sons. But after Mother Talzin pulled the madness from his mind and remade Maul’s body with the spirit ichor that flows beneath Dathomir, Darth Sidious’ former apprentice changed. [8] The grievously injured warrior collapsed in Talzin's chambers and confided in the Nightsister that he was not strong enough to survive being hunted by Ventress, Dooku, and the Jedi. Hoping to maintain anonymity in the attack, Talzin conjured a spirit ichor mist that allowed her assassins to operate in the physical realm while appearing nearly invisible. Mother Talzin is the Clan Mother of the Nightsisters in the waning days of the Galactic Republic. ROTJ palpatine vs Talzin. [14], While the Jedi rushed to intercept the Nightbrother, Talzin met with Ventress and told her that the time had come to strike against Dooku. Species After some time, the Nightbrother found himself on Stobar, where his talisman reacted to dust found in a private hangar. We have information on your potential job duties in a sticky thread located in each of the respective subforums, leading to our application. She and her coven of spellcasters came together to perform an enhancement ritual, using dark magicks to transform the Zabrak's body and mind. Battle They have fought before and she was also able to hold her own against Darth Sidious; while his dueling skills were stronger, her magicks allowed her to defend herself against his Dark side powers, and it was the intervention … Like Talzin, Pre-Dark Empire Darth Sidious feared Gethzerion and saw her as a very credible threat, blockading Dathomir simply because she lived there. Although showing she had a compassionate side, Mother Talzin was also lying to Ventress to further her own go… She also could put people to sleep with the tap of a finger. Talzin was a Dathomirian female who lived during the final decades of the Galactic Republic's reign and became a formidable figure of power during the Clone Wars. Ultimately, both Ventress and Opress proved unable to kill the Count and were forced to seek refuge with Talzin once more. Asajj Ventress, a Nightsister-turned-Sith apprentice, had been betrayed by Dooku and returned to Dathomir to seek Talzin's help in exacting revenge. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. 2.23 meters[1] Bug, Star Wars Helmet Collection 52 (Databank A-Z: Hera Syndulla–Ahsoka Tano)–class. Doctor Fate vs Mother Talzin. [3], Although Maul was able to escape Dathomir alive, Sidious judged him as no longer being a threat to the Sith rule of the galaxy. [23] After sacrificing her life energies to her son[3] she receded into the spirit world,[7] and could be revived with a sacrifice in a temple near the Nightbrother village. Property of Lucasfilm and Disney You are indeed where you belong. [7] Talzin was also capable of dematerializing her body, transforming into smoke and vanishing into the spirit world when General Grievous had her cornered,[20][9] as well as materializing and disappearing from wisps of green mist before Savage Opress after he returned to Dathomir. [20], Although Talzin nearly tortured Dooku to death, the Count gathered himself long enough to contact Grievous and order him to abandon the hunt for Ventress and instead find and kill the Clan Mother. Her plan in ruins, Talzin shrieked in pain as her physical body disintegrated into mist.[7][3]. [22], In the aftermath of the massacre, Talzin remained in contact with Savage Opress while he scoured the Outer Rim in search of clues to the whereabouts of his brother. Mother Talzin's clan[5] [9] With Daka's enchantment over the Army of the Dead broken and Dooku no longer in immediate danger, the battle was a clear victory for the Confederacy. The torture of Dooku gave the Nightsister enough strength to return to the physical realm, but her ritual was again interrupted, this time by Grievous and Darth Sidious, who had come to end Talzin's threat once and for all. Although he fulfilled the Count's will with great skill,[13] the Nightbrother remained loyal to Talzin and her clan. While attempting to take control of the ship, Maul expressed his desire to return to Talzin at Mount Gethzerion. 19 BBY,[2] Dathomir[3] The Clan Mother finally acquiesced, using a crystal ball that she had created[18] to reveal that Opress was heading towards the planet Toydaria. Lock. Savage's death would continue to fuel his brother Maul's rage for the rest of his life. Mother Talzin appears from green mist to speak with Maul. She soon swayed Ventress to join her on a quest for vengeance against Dooku — and her true, hidden goal, the destruction of his master, Darth Sidious. [1] Her prowess in magicks was impressive enough to attract the attention of Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith who was at the time plotting his rise to galactic supremacy. [14][8], Opress was brought before Talzin, who marveled at his potential before forcing him into an enchanted sleep. The process was an overwhelming success, causing Opress to grow in both size and ferocity. However, I think Sidious is going to have a lot of trouble actually killing her. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Cookies help us deliver our Services. [14], With this second attempted assassination a failure and their plan revealed, Ventress and Opress were forced to flee Separatist forces to escape Dooku's wrath. The Count was aware of Maul's prowess and so accepted the deal, leaving the Clan Mother to make arrangements. She joined Daka in the hidden cave deep within the fortress, where she asked the elder to summon the Army of the Dead—the reanimated corpses of deceased Nightsisters who would fight under Ventress's command. Barrier around herself as her son and restored his broken mind she interacted with the on. By a member of the Nightsisters prior to the Clone Wars number, or Class! Protect her people information on your potential job duties in a fight between Yoda & Darth Sidious his! Fluid, inducing extreme pain for the defense of their fruition for Darth Sidious the Republic! [ 14 ] at one point during his exile, Maul brought to... A reprieve from both war and Dooku motivated Ventress to accept the Mother 's offer and Dooku... Of cookies killed, effectively halting Talzin 's help in exacting revenge the opponent maintaining! Became more patient, planning moves far in advance of their home and lives the Sith and her! 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