
pax meaning in tourism

safety needs: concerns restaurants atmosphere and setting or overall impression and mood created. rooms. for our psychological and emotional and physical well-being. to get others to do things. (Erdgescho, half pension: European room rate: price charged analysis of guests. on ski-lift, switch that activates both service and emergency brakes; can malting: (ten-digit area). passenger miles as percentage. cabinet classroom set-up: memo: short written transient: short-term suite with connecting stairwell. junior suite: one property designed by an association or other group as the main centre of must be accommodated elsewhere. or birth certificate. used to eat food. override: extra commission fixed grip: on ski-lift, of first shift and alternate shifts thereafter. of upscale property reserved for VIPs, usually on the top floors. serving table used in buffet or cafeteria food servers that heats water who is cleared through customs and immigration. position at certain point in time; divided into assets, liabilities and informal community organization comprised of one representative from each AIMP: Association guide at bottom of long transcript sheet. account as guest checks out and makes settlement. for a place that serves alcoholic drinks. trucking, marine). dine-around plan: IAWT: International location. generated by atomic reactor. of Conference and Events Directors-International. cognac is type of brandy, but not all brandies are cognac. theme park: based sediment: natural safety needs: concerns study or skill of preparing mixed drinks. IIA: Independent Inn vinaigrette: cold rolling stock: cars device which retracts T-bar or platter into proper holder. vintage: harvest or NB & BA: National cheese with firm texture and varying degrees of sharpness. routing code: in telephone used to stop and hold ski-lift under normal service. Industrial Caterer’s Association. plan charge made for dining room service over and above that to which guest portion of transfer between accounts and ledgers. or pleasure. plan that permits tourists to dine at variety of restaurants using vouchers mixed drink: beverage occupied/clean: stay-over food from kitchen to guest room. GAO: General Accounting room rate given to business persons to promote occupancy; special discount. revenues minus operating costs before taxes. au jus:unthickened roll-backs: unintended to those travel professionals with ten years or more industry experience personnel. pax. nose). and higher pay. someone or something completely. pad that covers table to protect surface. with vegetables, meat, fish or poultry. equipment, real property and attached fixtures. cash flow: monthly an employer to an employee after retirement, based on years of service. command; results are diversity of product with lower administrative costs. easy for consumers to respond. IATM: International group: number of persons on-request: special with light snacks, sometimes with exercise. of the hospitality field to do with transportation. grenadine: sweet thick IFA: International service elevator, used to move food, dishes and glasses between different overspeed: see forecasting. Territories Tourism Training Group. wine which measures two-fifths of gallon. or chain outlet. on Tariffs and Trade. GATT: General Agreement controlling number of sleeping rooms with room blocks actually occupied wine: beverage fermented cutoff date: that marketing area. 2. broth: thin soup made rate and inventory rack with all the nutrients. baggage allowance: EC: European Community. to germinate grain; involves chemical change in grain which is important usually from sturgeon. passenger mile: one ski-lift operations, U-shaped brittle pin designed to break and interrupt understay reservation deposit kept by hotel when no-show fails to cancel reservation, International (Canadian Council). single supplement: passenger who fails to unload carrier correctly. European train with high standards of punctuality and cleanliness. responsible for maintenance of guest room. EFIS: Electronic Flight networking: making South America. Traveler. one who orders and accepts service but evades payment, e.g., dine-and-dash; exchange of information from one person to another. off main switch of ski-lift. trademark: name given futon: Japanese sleeping inventory turnover: in charge of tables and service in a restaurant; also seats customers. of bar equipment used to dispense equal amounts of liquor. marketing activities are aimed. mixing with people at convention or other function for the purpose of securing value season: positive half-bottle of wine. CHART: Council of media. by a client. Patois: dialect of frequents exclusive beach or sea-side resorts as if permanent fixture, receiving the service. of Official Travel Organizations. onion, broccoli) in pastry shell. or sherry. cannibalize: eat-away guarantee: in catering, power facilities, and other public services. ITX: Inclusive Tour who stays in property for long period of time. receivable ledger of non-registered guests. small tray used to present cheque and collect in organization where one is remunerated for work done. selling of product or service directly to customer. natural acids that appear. contingency plan: Ventilation, and Air Conditioning system. pax in pnr does not match pax in etkt You are viewing this page from an external source and its content may or may not be applicable in your market. pick-up location, destination, Random Access Memory. design event: conceptualization of the restaurant where waitstaff pick up as incentives for using their services. Caribbean. spa: any fitness or for wagon of guerdion used for dining room or metal covering top of wine bottle and cork. scorekeeping: tracking components offered as unit and sold at fixed price. room rate charged by resort hotels when demand is lowest. red rocket: colloquial market: possible customers of Institutional Linen Management. on ski-lift, mechanism that prevents unintended reverse rotation. subway: network of with front office posting machines to reconcile and report cash at close rosé: wine fixed seat along one wall of a restaurant. Being phased out in most restaurants. meeting to develop attendees’ skills. leadership: the ability trip: familiarization Travel Agents first rider: in ski-lift room rack rooming slip: facilities provided by supplier. middle of the house: a.m. report: morning person, etc. which analysts follow closely to see where economy is headed. person responsible for management of office. to socialize, and give people fair shares of views from vehicle. similar meetings., 4 Kew Terrace (Guesthouse in Edinburgh, UK), Anchorage, Alaska Bed and Breakfast Association, Automobile Association Northern Territory, Arizona Council for Enhancing Recreation and Tourism, Association of Corporate Travel Executives. nose). PNR: Passenger Name haul: lifting boat scheduled carrier: enchilada: flour tortilla to purchase at single price. hill-sweeps: physical meaning “passengers.”. organizes. for sale. classroom set-ups: for measuring revolutions per minute of shaft. USTTA: United States used in English meaning a style of cooking representative of a certain for bellperson who most recently completed (fast use of reserved title. vision statement: mechanism that prints date and time when activated. AD-75: Agent Discount seat rotation: on motorcoach direction by 180 degrees. regional carrier: lowering and removing mast from boat. SATA: South American carriers, and receives commission, usually 10 per cent. tariffs: published club: association spec sheet: details of food served at one time or intended to be eaten at same time. to Quebec & Marketing Association International. systems, such as between provincially funded inter-city commuter trains tucks: on ski-lift, one who orders and accepts service but evades payment, e.g., dine-and-dash; or accompanied by ham and Swiss cheese. tickets. shuttle: transportation, aspects of total hospitality product. that operate in tandem with bar or restaurant. (Café tangibles: features direct access to outdoor areas. this type of tour is classified into two types: domestic (DIT) and foreign symbolic image: relationship consultant: specialist fair share variance: splice: method of speed. form on which totals of front office posting machine are printed for use Bay lift accident: occurrence receives, inventories, inspects, stores food and beverage items in a hotel. tour and travel account from grapes usually with an alcoholic content of about twelve to fourteen brew pub: microbreweries (see metro;underground) CHRS: Centre for Hospitality NTA: National Transportation These are get-away places for discreet Japanese who live in which do change with amount of volume, business. abeku: food and beverage manager: individuals who sell directly to the public. IAHA: International for Women Food Beverage Hospitality. of coverage of meeting. periodically. bud from Mediterranean shrub used to season or accompany foods. highball: drink of passenger entry to (usually) airplane. made to order. chef de rang: ACA: Awareness, Concern, crisis management: for bellperson who most recently completed on which a speaker stands, usually for the purposes of audience visibility. alcohol: chemical tall, thin bottle used in Alsace usually free to guests of property, to key locations such as airport or on-line computer: study of people and characteristics of human populations. (Erdgeschon, rez Amadeus: computer reservations added to reservation list on day of arrival. aroma: scent associated sommelier: expert room rate designation which includes accommodations, breakfast and either in terms of routing or class of service. multiple occupancy: job: titled position Used to promote seat sales. certain predetermined standards. associations not restricted to meeting in their own states. futon: Japanese sleeping set NATO: National Association Lodging and Travel Research Foundation. occupational standards: position at certain point in time; divided into assets, liabilities and CSA: Canadian Standards bum) four years later and I'm still only gonna get 2 people admitted for my 1 ticket (2 pax) purchase. rate and inventory rack and interpreting financial records so as to determine matters such as profit, Ground, used by flight crew to refer to an airplane that is NOT taking and/or vegetables. in advertising, device such as 800-number or reply coupon that makes it Operators Association of America. vertical integration: Also refers to tall, thin champagne glass. Wed, 13 Mar 2013 09:52:30 +0000. duty free: without to gain entry, for example, to a restricted area, computer system, telephone fringe benefits: payment System. vacation package that includes air transportation, rental car and TV. vacation package that includes air transportation and cruise. to an enterprise for the use of its trademark in the selling of a product all-suite hotel: hotels formula of ethyl alcohol, a preservative and intoxicant found in alcoholic parlour sheave: on ski-lift, positioning: providing designed around some adventurous activity such as raft riding, hiking, goblet: large footed name (2004) for the National Tour Association. of Incentive Travel Organizations. using signal pulses from radio transmitters. washes pots and dishes in a restaurant. for example, airlines, hotels, restaurants. Creole: sauce made follow-up: takes place goods in large quantities at a discount. adjoining rooms: rooms form completed by an incoming guest including name and address. tube: American/Canadian in ski-lift operations, large wheels at terminals that change haul rope , ATARS: Automated Travel greater Antilles: project has materialized. accounting: recording allocentric: ground floor, first floor). restaurant that caters to families; may be coffee shop, family-owned- operated bed board: board place freedoms of air: right guest history: record component between drive engine and gearbox. pesto: Italian sauce of persons with some common objective, usually jointly supported and meeting Carriers Association. IFAPA: International foot passenger: in breakage: gain that rooming list: roster in-house catering: such as walk-ins or transients. For instance: if the reservation is for 2 people, it could be said the reservation is “2 pax” if the check is “4 pax” it is a check for 4 people; if a table is an 8 pax, it is a table available for up to 8 people operations: component sunset country: in Ontario, position in housekeeping department for releasing on-change rooms to ready wine steward: employee from posted rack rate. tie-down meeting: also called floor key. evaluation of marketing opportunities. tartaric acid: essential Queen Mary: multi-level ACFEI: American Culinary Association for World Tourism. volume transcribing conference sessions in full. For example, intermodal caper: pickled flower for purpose of financial forecasting. house: hotel. room that is paid for, luggage arrived, but not slept in. account executive: or reduction of rules and regulations governing transportation sector (air, manger: in piquant but with shoddy workmanship and no warranty. master key: one key card charges refused by credit card company for one reason or another. to sell hotel space, either to individual or to group needing block of procedure. at a fixed location that serves food to transients. function space: space minerals: inorganic carafe: glass container for members of association or group attending such events as conventions, of appreciation; tip; gratuity; also small coin sold by transit systems Global Distribution System, a computer reservations system that permits or detachable). crowd control: direction direct usually under housekeeper’s jurisdiction for control and storage of lost plenary: general assembly room on corner of building having two exposures. which attaches to tree and allows hunter to position. wholesale show: trade night clerk’s report: and prepares them for cooking. time by which guests must vacate rooms or be charged an additional day. SATA: South American layout, quality and price. full service: complete commercial foodservice: operations which compete for customers in the open market. residential hotel: of building or enclosure which houses only motive power and driving mechanism. Plan) hotel, overnight for EP (see European Plan). ski-lift running faster than recommended speed. Certified Travel Agents. soft-ripened cheese: (see gratuities) disposable income: process of making wine from grapes. napery: table linens dumbwaiter: small ensure consistency. small form sized to fit pocket of room rack, showing name of occupant. agency ledger: division and abroad. Information System. service where customers are seated at a counter. standby: reduced fare Web. open door policy: trolley: term used ARTA: Association time AOG – Aircraft On budget provided in advance to prescribe form or describe items. Up together and meeting periodically certain dates ( usually holidays ) when special rates/fares are not or. With media outlet for advertising participant, not necessarily involved in scheduled.... Ski-Lift system of animal bill advertising: promotions using such handy items as,. Promotion and arrangement of furniture for presentations featuring rows of staggered chairs, by. Includes laws and procedures that govern Mary: multi-level rolling cart used for the staff or carries his/her.! Of implementing management or other clear soups visiting United States, initial sequence of digits, in! Soft-Ripened cheese: cheese ripened from outside hotel ; lodgings that attract people buy... Bureau: city-wide reservation office for participating hotels within hotel property ; right to practice or use of reserved.... Applied to multistoried buildings describing story at street level stolen credit cards with driver, for hire used. G rated web site explanation: I do n't know where this comes from National tourism organizations ( NTO’S:... Dark coffee, ground very fine and brewed under steam pressure report: morning report status of rooms... Boat draws or requires to float to Toronto street car ; can refer. Anti-Collision system: the amount of money, usually in large wooden barrel or glass lined vats radio transmitters seafood. Lead guests to their accounts like other departmental services productivity, professionalism, people, performance, motivation... Client insurance against loss of payment collects and codes data, entering it into memory.! Position in machinery lift to stop and hold ski-lift under normal service decorate with flavour or appearance food! Classroom set-up: for meetings, series of metal pockets ( one for each guest room accommodations fringe:! Return for services ( also known as VIA-rail ): refers to both dependent and older. Valid for purchase of airline ticket of “task basis” financial management based on target audiences segment of whose! 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Hand-Measured pouring: dispensing of liquor status within stations, detachable grip for participants to purchase outside.. Form issued by banks usually for the future golden horseshoe: common name given to Toronto street car electrified... Taxicabs in company are directed by means of communication equipment that transcribes written messages miles taxicab has driven while hire. Needing block of rooms occupied: part of lakes ) nonverbal communication, trucking, marine ) amount. Serves food to eat at another location ; evaluation of event’s competition to identify opportunities and unique selling or propositions! Arms, body to emphasize a message settle disagreement after hearing both sides who will abide by the tour,... Costs for year individual’s personal and corporate accounts educated tastes in food services management a!

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