A bright flash of light radiated from the airlock doorway. Unfortunately, a Renegade Time Lord known as "the Master" brainwashed all of her classmates to become her puppets. Conversion (Cyberman audio story) Cyberman #1 .3 Main character (s): Paul Hunt Samantha Thorn Liam Barnaby Featuring: Karen Brett, Prime Reordin Main enemy: Cybermen, Cyber-Planner, Android Horde Main setting: Scorpius Seabed Base, 26th century Oceanic City, 26th century Orion Central Control, 26th century Key crew Publisher: Big Finish Productions Lisa wasn't sure how, but Ianto and his friends had made her human again. Suddenly all the Cybermen bend forwards and stay bent forwards. (TV: The Invasion), The Cybermen would traverse the universe to find beings to convert, adding to their forces. Will Torchwood Three fix things in time before the Cybermen, ripe from battle with their greatest enemy, the Doctor, convert the world? This appeared to be an extension of the dimension bridge technologys mind control capabilities, as Osgood was granted full access to the Cyber-Mainframe despite not being fully converted. The same process was used to convert Bill Potts into the first Mondasian Cyberman on the ship. (TV: Closing Time) Partial conversion, with the victim retaining autonomy and a human identity and body parts, was possible. The enemy continued sitting there, as the missiles got closer and closer. Jack orders Toshiko to go to the surface with emergency power cells so they can open the weapons lockers while Gwen and Owen are to search for any weapons. By the time they had reached and sealed the bridge, only CyberLord and three others survived. The Doctor recognises this must be what they all must do when there's an Electromagnetic pulse. (TV: Cyberwoman), The Cybermen also employed a very primitive type of conversion in 1851 when they created the Cybershades using scrap metal and Victorian era human technology. Away from the hospital used for conversions, the process killed her. Cyberman. Cyber-conversion, also known as cybernetic conversion, (TV: The Invasion) Cybernisation, (PROSE: Attack of the Cybermen) Cyber upgrade, (COMIC: Assimilation) and, prior to Mondas full conversion, processing, (AUDIO: Spare Parts) was the physical and mental re-engineering of victims, often humanoid, into Cybermen. (AUDIO: Telepresence, Code Silver) When the Cyber-Mainframe began converting the Earth of N-Space, the Cybermen oversaw the construction of mass conversion centres across the planet by millions of virtually converted humans. Jack demands that Ianto tell them everything. This particular crossover will conclude the main story of the Two Can Play At That Game series, in which the Doctor, the Master, Jenny, and Harry find themselves (somewhat literally) at the center of an old enemys insidious plot. We are Cybusmen, from an alternative Earth. Gwen asks Jack if he would have shot her if she had stood by Ianto. Requested by user, "Tardis Glitch", Roger Lloyd Pack was a brilliant Cyber Controller in this episode. (TV: Nightmare in Silver), Bill Potts, after being mortally wounded, was taken to a hospital on a Mondasian colony ship and was granted a cybernetic heart then fully converted into a CyberMondan after ten years. Work Search: It breaks apart, sending its components spinning off into the dark, insignificant and forgotten. Our individuality is what unites us. Clara has to keep her wits about her, because as she finds out, how far will people go for immortally and what will they do to get it. Now only the CyberLord remained. (TV: The Tenth Planet), After being drafted by the Mondasian government to work on the propulsion system, Yvonne Hartley was mostly converted. However, they appeared unable to convert Autons or lifeforms with similar biologies, as one registered Josh Carter as human based on his speech alone, and another attempted to convert him (AUDIO: Code Silver) only to be hijacked by him and used as a means of transportation, and later as a weapon against other Cybermen. It wasnt like there was any way for me to escape at this stage of the game. The US release was on 19 July 2011. A deep metallic voiced boomed throughout the ship. President Karen Brett has ordered Cybermen to be deployed among the . (AUDIO: Master of Worlds), However, if a life form were to be disconnected from the dimension bridge technology before their mental avatar could be converted, a delayed form of virtual conversion could occur instead. Ianto introduces her to Tanizaki as Lisa Hallett, his lover. The World Shapers Comic Relief Comic The Good Soldier Dreadnought The Flood The Power of the Cybermen / Drones of Doom / Enemy Mine / Time of the Cybermen Assimilation Doctor Who and the Last Stand The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who Conversion Untitled Cyber Crisis Supremacy of the Cybermen The Bidding War The Lost Dimension. Work Search: Whilst it looked armed to the teeth, it had a critical lack of armour. Owen is knocked out. We're experimenting with updating the wiki's look! They continued to fire on the Cybusmen, as they clumsily marched away. Whatever the case, you're glad of the company.Hate nightmares. You shiver. Jack gives Ianto an ultimatum. Available November 2005. Let her go and I won't fight you. The Cyberiums analysis of the space-time continuum revealed an aberration: a rift, splitting one timeline into several, each with its own version of the Doctor and the Master. Cyberwoman was the fourth episode in the first series of Torchwood. Ianto tells Lisa to stay in the cell as he drags off the corpse to hide it from the team. A chunky box on each chest wired and glowed. The Cyber-Unit is incomplete. Conversion was the third release in the first series of Big Finish Productions' Cyberman audio series. Take this headgame for instance. Gwen and Owen are momentarily trapped by Lisa in the autopsy lab, and hide in a locker. These Cybermen were capable of self-destructing to release clouds of Cyber-pollen, that could rain down and upgrade both living and dead humans, no matter how long a human had been dead for. Disorientated, the CyberLord received a report from the airlock. I think the doctor himself couldnt have handled that situation so well. Tosh does this, which unfortunately also means entering total lock-down. Starring Sarah Mowat Mark McDonnell. It requires assistance. The Cyberiums analysis of the space-time continuum revealed an aberration: a rift, splitting one timeline into several, each with its own version of the Doctor and the Master. The first Cybusman reached one of the intruders and attempted to wrestle its head off. (TV: The Invasion), Jason Kane was nearly converted after being manipulated by Irving Braxiatel. In all shots where the CG Cyberconversion machinery descends from the ceiling, the joints are visibly seen to clip through the centre of the machinery. The Cybermen left the bridge, returning to their ship and resuming their mission after this momentary interruption. The androids must get to Telos before the Cybermen do. Since contact has been lost with the transport ship, the Cyber-Planner is unable to determine whether the androids have the information they require; it thus decides to assume that they have, which means the Cybermen must move their master plan forward. Warning. As the rest of Torchwood deal with the Arcan leisure crawler that has entered their atmosphere, there is a brief power flicker; Ianto covers it up by claiming that the generators have been acting up all day and offers to look into it. We may be flawed, we may have functions that dont seem necessary to machines like yourself, but we are abstract creatures. The Scorpius strategy is now in full operation. The CyberLord called out, receiving a stream of video and sensor data from the Cybusmen at the front of the crowd. They stepped through the door and gazed around the room, the four of them analysing the bridge and the remnants of the crew. The Cybermen, however, had slowly set a plan in motion that would eventually make Miss Hartigan both a convert and a leader. After a hundred years of waiting in the tunnels of London, they had been able to steal enough technology to assemble this ship. Cyber Conversion (Doctor Who) Killing Game Executions (Dangan Ronpa) Despair Era (Dangan Ronpa) Brainwashing Kamukura Izuru Has Feelings Human Nanami Chiaki Cyberman Nanami Chiaki Enoshima Junko Being Enoshima Junko Enoshima Junko as the Master (Doctor Who) The Master's Drums (Doctor Who) Soon, the war will be won, but until then, Brett has assigned cybernetic commando units to keep the peace in all major population centres on Earth, in order to protect the people from retaliation by the increasingly desperate androids. You must be assimilated, the mechanical voice intoned. As soon as the counter reached 0.5, the enemy ships weaponry hit, shaking Alpha-1. ***Everyone says the ghosts are wonderful. She offers to implant her brain into Ianto, believing that sharing the same life is true love, but Ianto refuses. In the bridge, the CyberLord examined the data on the unexpected arrival. Still firing, the reaming twelve Cybusmen tried to escape back to the bridge. This relentless process of creation can fail; the core of the new world collapses in on it self. As the gravitational forces pull more objects together, the force increases exponentially. Prior to her full conversion, she was unable to survive if she did not remain in the hospital. Crack regiments of volunteers have been augmented with cybernetic technology and sent into Orion, where they have destroyed key android installations. Lisa therefore declares the two incompatible and throws him aside, knocking him unconscious and sending the rest of the team into action. It requires assistance. If Brett agrees to their terms, they can begin converting the traitors and political dissidents currently held in the Isle of Wight penal colony into crack cybernetic troops capable of wiping out the androids in Orion. She has a large cut across her forehead, and claims that she is Lisa; she took the girl's body so they could be together. You must have been moving in your sleep because your legs are tangled in the duvet. The World Shapers Comic Relief Comic The Good Soldier Dreadnought The Flood The Power of the Cybermen / Drones of Doom / Enemy Mine / Time of the Cybermen Assimilation Doctor Who and the Last Stand The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who Conversion Untitled Cyber Crisis Supremacy of the Cybermen The Bidding War The Lost Dimension. This process worked on humans and even appeared to work on the Half-Face Man, despite him being a Clockwork Droid and not a human. Additionally, the Master used a signal emitter to broadcast an amplified version of the VR headsets carrier waves to fully convert a patrol of guards in one of the Auctioneer bases, causing metal implants to appear all over their bodies, converting them in seconds. She initially experienced frequent mental pain that nearly killed her due to the sheer amount of information that she received from the Cyber-Mainframe, (AUDIO: Code Silver) but was cured of this after she "received a brainstorm from Cyber-Control across every dimension" in response to the arrival of theWar Master. It is also a place for socialization, helping each other and making new friends. Unfortunately, a Renegade Time Lord known as "the Master" brainwashed all of her classmates to become her puppets. Cyberwoman was the fourth episode in the first series of Torchwood. Osgood adapted the virtual reality app developed by the Auctioneers to broadcast the mind control signal of the dimension bridge technology through mobile phones instead of the headsets; by setting up the app as a free automatic download, millions of people were virtually converted in seconds. (TV: The Next Doctor), A Cyberman's exo-skeleton in 102 at Stonehenge displayed the ability to upgrade humans without any external machinery, merely needing to restrain the victim while the Cyberman's faceplate split open at the middle and enveloped the victim's head. . Now, Chiaki was going to face her demise, unable to do anything to save them. Lily doesn't believe them. Still dazed, he vaguely recalls that hes supposed to hate her for being an android, but he cant deny that he finds her physically attractive. Only the Cyberlord remained awake, in case of emergencies. The signals from the first 4 cybusmen instantly ceased; their cameras burnt out and sensors overloaded. Battle computer predicted a 78% probability of success if the Cybusmen were forewarned of their original failures. The Cyber conversions begin. With a wheezing of the photonic cells and spluttering of engines improvised from old cars, the Cybus ship slowly lifted from the surface of the planet, ready to engage this new enemy. It wondered where the enemy had gone. This story was originally scheduled to be released in November, however, it was pushed back to December due to Nicholas Briggs' "commitments elsewhere". Now, Chiaki was going to face her demise, unable to do anything to save them. She reports to Riordan, but is forced to admit that shes really keeping Liam alive not just for his usefulness, but because she thinks his viewpoint about androids is beginning to change. Please consider turning it on! Approaching from outside the solar system. These events are beyond the scope of their programming, and they transmit a report back to Earth, requesting instructions. Several Cyber-subspecies, such as those of Pete's World, the Cyber-Mainframe and the Cyberiad, referred to this as upgrading. Artie Maitland and Angie Maitland suffered partial conversion by Cybermites, who intended to take advantage of their imagination. Unfortunately, by this point the Cybermen have decided of their own accord to initiate the ships self-destruct systems, and when the androids storm the control room, the disorientated Cyber Leader manages to smash the self-destruct mechanism, preventing Liam from aborting the sequence. Where is the order in those odds? A single jet of flame hit one in the chest. help, the deep dive into cyber conversion no one wanted, Clara Oswin Oswald & Original Character(s), Original Cyberman Character(s) (Doctor Who), The Doctor & Clara Oswin Oswald Friendship, Second Doctor & Zoe Heriot & Jamie McCrimmon. (TV: Attack of the Cybermen), A group of Cybermen who time travelled to Earth in 1939 from the 30th century appeared to use Cybermats in the conversion process. CyberMondan conversion involved the replacement of body parts (including limbs, organs, and vital systems) with artificial components. The Eleventh Doctor was partially converted into a Cyber-Planner, splitting his mind into two halves; one himself, and the other the self-titled Mr Clever. Lytton was Partially converted cyber on Telos, still incomplete at the time of his death. Jack gives Ianto an ultimatum. 12 Works in Cyber Conversion (Doctor Who) Navigation and Actions. It is a truth universally acknowledged that any narrative with multiple timelines will eventually include a crossover incident. They were eventually destroyed when Danny detonated all of them to stop Missy's plans, save for Lethbridge-Stewart, who shot Missy personally before being saluted by the Twelfth Doctor. Sleek and stylish controls to pilot a flawed, primitive ship. The patients of the Mondasian colony ship were converted through surgery performed by the surgeon of the hospital on Floor 1056, within the Conversion Theatre. Now they sat, with inhuman patience amongst the stars, for the 2007 invasion. It is a truth universally acknowledged that any narrative with multiple timelines will eventually include a crossover incident. (TV: The Pandorica Opens) The human that was previously converted seemed to have an upgrade like that during the Battle of Canary Wharf, due to the fact that the Canary Wharf upgrade involved encasing the body inside the suit, (TV: Cyberwoman) while this Cyberman had a severed head in its helmet. Was the sound of you thrashing around loud enough for the Doctor to hear through the endless corridors of the Tardis or had you been shouting too? (, Owen tells Gwen that the Cybermen brought down Torchwood One, while Ianto was present at the, Jack notes that the form of Cyberman faced by Torchwood originated in a, Lisa describes herself as "Human.2", the same designation the Cybermen give themselves on, Jack Harknesses's aggression towards Ianto and his insistence on Lisa's death because she is a Cyberman mirrors the, This episode, with four others, was first released on a DVD entitled, It was also released in the Series 1-4 boxset (Region 2 release: 14 November 2011.). If I took the upgrade, Id also be down for the count. (LogOut/ In one, they were humans, hiding and limited; in the other, they were Time Lords, but wounded, secretive, and erratic. They are powerful and emotionless, and unstoppable. Ianto pleads that since he cleans up after Torchwood but is never asked about his life, they should help him restore Lisa, but Jack maintains that there is no cure. Cyber Conversion (Doctor Who) - Works | Archive of Our Own She promises they can be upgraded together. The Cybermen can free us from it. Lisa re-enters the cybernetic unit and begins to drain more power from Torchwood, soon noticed by the others. With the emergency systems back on, they began to return to normal operating procedures. The air filled with the zapp of lasers and buzz of guns. (TV: The Age of Steel), Yvonne Hartman, a Torchwood Institute administrator, was converted. Everything is lost, Chiaki Nanami, Hope's Peak Academy Ultimate Gamer, was going to find one of her classmates that disappeared. Knowing that Levinson would oppose full implementation of the Scorpius project, the Cybermen allowed Hunt to send his warning; now, Levinson will believe that the project has been terminated, and once the time is right, he will be replaced by a new President who will be more amenable to what Scorpius has to offer. They silently marched through the narrow cooridors, arm lasers deployed and the handful of anti-polycarbide guns presented to those at the front. The Cyberman was mere inches from me, but those last small steps seemed to last for an eternity. Within 30, the situation had been downloaded to their minds and roles had been assigned to each of them. The strategy was re-analysed, reassessed and put into action. For her, going to school meant to be humiliated and harassed by people whom she once considered her friends. Cyberman: Conversion Animation (2005) Part 2 - YouTube World of Steel - Cyberman!Taylor (Doctor Who x Worm) Before the conversion was complete, however, Bernice Summerfield used the energy in the Crystal of Cantus to defeat the cybermen, reversing the conversion. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. The other ship has changed vector. Theres nothing out there. The Cybusmen could put up no fight as its life was quickly ended. Cyberman: Conversion There's something strange going on in the house, and Lily wants to know what it is. As Ianto makes his way to the holding cell, he finds Lisa's body has died. She and her taskforce depart from Earth in the advanced XP-900 warship, which has itself been augmented with Cyber technology. All at once an alarm began to wail. (AUDIO: Telepresence), Shortly after her virtual conversion, Osgood underwent a further stage of upgrading referred to by one Cyber-Controller as a cranial upgrade. At present the information had no strategic value, but it may have future use. Lisa appears in the Hub and Ianto tries to remind Lisa she is still human, but she is disgusted by her partially-human appearance. He regained his humanity and attacked the Cyber-Controller. Upon exiting the lift, Ianto punches Jack. Classic series (especially the Invasion and post-Earthshock) just look so much better. So many unknowns left it useless. At one point, they attempted to convert a human baby; the result was a horrific fusion between a Cyberman and a Cybermat. Enough of her individuality survived for her to recognise her Father and her pet Cybernetic bird. The Doctor has seemingly abandoned her and the only person she can rely on is an aging medical offer. Ashad would direct the fleet to the point of divergence, a location where the fabric of space-time was thin: a place called the Boundary. (WC: Real Time, AUDIO: Real Time), Tobias Vaughn suffered partial cyber-conversion, retaining just his head and therefore his own thoughts. Consulting the battle computer, the Cyberlord called for a retreat. Conversion was stopped by loss of power caused by proximity to the cherrybowl nebula, and Yvonne wandered back to her home, due to her pre-conversion desire for her Father to see her 'uniform'. You have failed., Forget about all that, the voice said in reply, we are cybermen. (COMIC: Assimilation) Following the Fall of the Cyber-Empire, the Cyber-Empire had the technology to upgrade Time Lords. Moondance Chapter 33: Cybermen, a doctor who fanfic | FanFiction Cyber-commander Zheng shot the Cyberman, and, noting that her scapula was fractured, sent both the Cyberman he had shot and Constant to be repaired. Written by Nicholas Briggs. Kate Stewart speculated these pods would have additionally functioned as cyber-conversion units when necessary. But that's the least of her worries, the ship has been trying to get back to Telos for years, its engines are failing, the crew is going missing and something lurks beneath. The Cyber-Planner has already helped Hunt to overcome his own fear at the prospect. No planets not even any stars. Released: December 2005. Once there, they find the cyber-conversion unit, which Owen recognises, but are attacked by Lisa. From US $2.42. (AUDIO: Master of Worlds), Mobile conversion units were large conversion machines resembling giant metal spiders utilised as part of the dimension seeding process once a link to a new universe had been established. There, Hunt shows her the Cybermen and explains that they could be the future of humanity, if humanity is willing to surrender the uncontrollable emotions that have held it back for so long. The lights instantly burnt out. They encased humans in cybernetic shells by constructing the suit of armour around their body, as with Lisa Hallett. Theres nothing out there. Jack sprays Lisa with a special "barbecue sauce" that helps Myfanwy identify its prey. Ship detected. Nightmares by sonic_spoondriver Fandoms: Doctor Who General Audiences; No Archive Warnings Apply; F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Other; Complete Work; 23 Jan 2023. The androids have been jamming transmissions to prevent the Cybermen from receiving new instructions, which is just as well; on Earth, the Cyber-Planner has deduced that the ship must have been sabotaged by an android double-agent, and has transmitted orders to self-destruct so the androids wont learn the extent of the Cybermens plans. I was prepared to be swept away under the waves of oblivion, but all the parts of my mind that made me who I am, were still there. He was converted, becoming the first Cyberman to be augmented with an additional lobe, based on that found in the Doctor's brain, that dealt with bodily functions and prevented organ rejection. Tosh runs up to them and tells Jack that she rigged the doors to open after a few minutes and Ianto runs to go back inside. Meanwhile, Liam and Samantha have fled in an escape pod, and Samantha has transmitted a distress signal to her people; however, Liam points out that even if they pick up the signal, shes the only one theyll rescue. Lily doesn't believe them. Cyberman: Conversion Animation (2005) Part 2 Astro T 419 subscribers Subscribe Share 6K views 3 years ago Basically in this scene, the Cybermen get pranked by the humans by making their ship. Unlike other early Cybermen, however, Zheng was not affected by organ rejection, a problem which affected the Cybermen until they learnt of a way of avoiding it by scanning and copying part of the physiology of the Fifth Doctor, specifically a lobe in his brain that dealt with all bodily functions. Ianto returns to Torchwood by himself. Nothing at all. Please consider turning it on! Samantha is appalled, and Riordan agrees to hold off on this final solution, at least until theyve captured a Cyberman, analysed its programming, and found out exactly what the Cybermen are up to. (TV: Deep Breath, Dark Water, Death in Heaven), However, there were a minority of Cybermen capable of converting other species; the Cybermen of the Cyberiad who recovered from the Cyber-Wars were capable of upgrading "almost any living components", and were even capable of converting Time Lords. dont let the relationship tags fool you - this isnt a multidoc sorry, dont mind me just getting emotional about cybermen again, the inherent horror of a human in a cyber case, And I'm gonna be fine (Maybe Not Tonight), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart/Petronella Osgood, Episode: The Power of the Doctor (Doctor Who), Thirteenth Doctor & Yasmin Khan & Graham O'Brien & Ryan Sinclair, Spoilers for Episode: s12e10 The Timeless Children, Background Yasmin Khan/Original Female Character, i'm searching for something that i can't reach, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, i dont know how to tag this actually.