He is one of our best troops and I would not hesitate to recommend him for retention and promotion. 3. Get some sleep. EMAIL ADDRESS (.gov or .mil) . CW3 Texas-Ranger never failed to uphold the Army Values and consistently embodied technical and tactical proficiency. You can't do it all yourself. His technical prowess was steadfast and contributions to the G6 team guaranteed overall mission accomplishment. ". Size:60.77 KB. Leaders should expect the MER approximately six months before the cycle opens. In summary, I am surprised to learn of the behavior SPC Morrison is charged with. However, I do not believe the fullest extent of the law should be applied when determining her final punishment. Selected continuation officers will continue to be assessed for promotion to lieutenant colonel. Answer (1 of 5): "Company grade" officers are junior executives in the grades of lieutenants (second and first) and captains (O-1 through O-3). And the supplemental NCOER? I currently senior rate 23 Army Officers in this grade. He carried himself with respect, maturity, honor, and never ceased to display Marine Corps Values. Make sure you address the type of behavior that the person is accused of having. 4. PERIOD'COVERED:'''!FROM%(YYYYMMDD)!THRU%(YYYYMMDD)! In addition, I have had the opportunity during the last month to interact with him during PT sessions three times a week. Satisfied. Memorandum for XO and S3, 3rd Bn, 7th Infantry Subject: Field Grade Rules. Officers projecting five-to-10 years into the future tend to lose sight of the criticality of their current performance, which jeopardizes growth potential. My name is SSG Smith and I am writing on behalf of SGT Jones. What form is the NCOER? The mission-essential requirements (MER) list represents consolidated unit priorities for organizational manning requirements specific to the movement cycle. In addition to limiting promotion potential, a negative OER can trigger the Army Officer Elimination process.. I remember one incident that illustrates his non-confrontational nature. Talent management must be viewed holistically. It can't be a rambling, general statement that "John is one of the nicest guys I have ever met". A character statement helps judges, Commanders, First Sergeants, and other strangers make fair decisions by providing a factual description of a person's character. I have been in the Army for almost nine years and currently I am the ASF Administration and Occupational Health Element Chief. And the members who will be judging the case don't care if you use bad grammar. To this end, this AR 623-3. ch 1-8 Standards of Service. This approach should include preparing for promotion to lieutenant colonel, competing for the centralized selection list, and commanding a battalion, if desired. Top third officers are on track for promotion and will compete extremely well for battalion command. Assignment officers need time to work on special circumstances that require external coordination, such as by-name requests, nominations, and accommodations for enrollees in the Exceptional Family Member Program, and Married Army Couples Program. The prosecution will methodically present arguments proving their case by focusing on specific traits and if you want to have any hope of defending your pal, you must present specific examples in your statement. Now, creating a OER Support Form Example Bullets PDF takes a maximum of 5 minutes. Combat training center and joint assignments represent the next target. o expressed himself in an open and candid manner; facilitated teamwork. Provide narrative comments which demonstrate performance regarding field grade competencies and attributes in the Rated Officer's current duty position. Does anyone besides me still think it is outrageous that OERs/NCOERs are sometimes filled out and written by the the person who's ER it is. We need more examples. CW3 Texas-Ranger and I were never assigned to the same section at either location. I first met SGT Jones in April 2011 at WLC, on Ft Stewart. Organizational leaders must understand that the assignments process essentially starts at the unit level. If you marked "no" in a box, you have to explain in detail why. We need more examples. I am currently a Recruiter in Talladega and an active member of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club. The report is forwarded to the HQDA. Middle third officers may have a chance for joint opportunities and some nominative opportunities. SUBJECT: Character Statement for SSG Alfred M. Deleon. He is one of the most calm members of our work center. SSgt Trejo is an outstanding leader and I would be honored to serve with him again. I have always known him to be quietly cheerful and, to my knowledge, he has always had a good attitude and a positive outlook. This will give them an idea of their future opportunities. The more distant the relationship, the more credible the letter will be perceived to be. Covey's third principle, which he calls "put first things first," helps leaders to discern urgency from importance. DA Form 2166-8 for NCOER DA Form 2166-9-1A. This came as quite a surprise to me and definitely caught me off guard. The investigation came as quite a surprise to me, as CW3 Texas-Ranger has never portrayed a Soldier that would derelict his personal or professional responsibilities. Achieve partnered with OER Commons to develop an online evaluation tool t o allow users to apply these rubrics and evaluate the quality of instructional resources. Take the time to make the next move a family decision and not just about the position available. If possible, these additional positive attributes should overlap with or complement your main assertion. I feel certain that our Section Chief would agree. Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. Middle third officers are on track for promotion but will not compete as well for battalion command. He has not received any kind of discipline here in our work center, not even a verbal counseling. The DA Form 1059 is what? Although we have screened every document for quality control, there likely exist errors in content and typography. This assertion, along with Army Regulation (AR) 623-3: Evaluation Reporting System (ERS), implies that character is the foremost leadership requirement: The Army Values, empathy, warrior ethos, and discipline are critical attributes that define a leader's character and apply across all grades, positions, branches, and specialties. Assuming that you are the rater and not senior rater keep in mind that you are charged with only rating the officers performance during the last rated period. It is your responsibility to double-check the information you find on this site before you use it professionally. Despite his young age, he is one our most mature Soldiers and never has to be told what his job is or be reminded to do something. That was very much the norm, especially in TPU status but I think the new entry system makes that more dofficult since the rated soldier can't open their eval. I am writing this character statement in support of SrA Morrison. Occasionally Soldiers get into trouble and become subject to some form of formal punishment where he is judged by members outside the unit. Once a space is open and a validated requisition is created, it is up to the assignment officer to find the best qualified officer. thank you Sir!! Performance is everything. 15 Rater Assessment: Field Grade Form Narrative comments focused on performance in line with field grade competencies and attributes Limited to 5 lines of text Performance based assessment; no comment on potential d2. He is a graduate of Intermediate Level Education, Pathfinder School, Airborne School, the Joint Planners Course, the Joint Firepower Course, and the Mobilization and Deployment Course. Career Field Designation Boards are being conducted annually, promotion and selection boards are being conducted by career field, some concerns over the Officer Evaluation Report have been addressed, and time in branch qualification positions for majors and associated stability is at an all time high. Officer Fitrep Bullets. He will be grateful for any effort on his behalf. In general, character statements have three sections: Introduction. I know of a couple of conflicts with his coworkers/peers. Talent management affects all officers regardless of their current performance. Medical support, educational interests, or exploration opportunities are all worth consideration. You're just asking for sleepless nights. Field grade officers care about your role more than others Senior leader involvement in the talent management process encourages officers to build a solid reach-back network. Discuss job description and performance objectives with rated officer within 30 days. It is completely out of character for him and I can't help but wonder if there were mitigating circumstances. Thanks! An evaluation philosophy accomplishes three goals. Thanks! At the very least, a suspended discharge would allow SPC Smith the opportunity to continue his service while demonstrating his commitment to the Army. Size:80.42 KB. He completes all tasks I ask of him and has often shown initiative and motivation with other tasks. First, it describes how a rater or senior rater sees evaluations. My name is Gunnery Sergeant DeKinderen, Todd M., the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) G-3 Headquarters SNCOIC. The Ultimate Field Grade Officer Survival Guide. I have been in the Army for over 11 years and I am currently the NCOIC of Personal Property at the Installation Transportation Office. I am fully aware of the severity of SSG Deleon's actions. Of course, along with this focused description, you should also include your subject's other positive attributes. Comments and Help with electrical outage report example forms. (FITREP), Air Force's Officer Performance Report (OPR), or the Army's Officer Evaluation Report (OER), each of these records has the greatest impact on each officer's military career and promotion opportunities. OER Commons, an online repository for open education resources, is now hosting the tool and its resulting evaluation data. To contribute examples, enter them below. SSN#(or#DOD#ID#No.)! If an Officer just received a negative OER, it is advisable to retain a military lawyer to assist with an appeal. CW3 Texas-Ranger fortified the image of the Leader I knew him as during AIT, as he continuously mentored Soldiers at all echelons. " You lead by example. Sample Army OER Bullets & Comments. He owned his Platoon, took responsibility for their mistakes, never made excuses for his short comings, and always gave the Trainees credit for their successes. Provides an overview of the new Army regulation, citing paragraphs and page numbers in the regulation. If you have any questions or concerns, or if I can be of further assistance, I can be reached at DSN 123-4567. Make it as presentable as possible. o motivated and challenged peers through leadership by example. This is important. My most humble request is that you allow him to continue service. Officers must understand how their assignment officers assess them in relation to their peers. SHARP, EO, and EEO. 04-PUB NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGNERS (NOFORN) 42-ITEM ONLY PRODUCED IN ELECTRONIC MEDIA. I am SSG Ricky Bobby and am writing on behalf of CW3 Walker Texas-Ranger. An assignment at the Army Human Resources Command (HRC) is an incredible opportunity for officers and enlisted personnel to learn how the Army executes personnel processes. The main report includes supporting DA Form 67-10-1A, which contains administrative data and an explanation for submitting a Field Grade Plate Officer Evaluation Report. Field Grade Officers play team ball. I supervise the Headquarters section of the G-3 consisting of two Noncommissioned Officers and one junior Marine. Type your statement and print it on good quality paper. o performed at a level above the normal call of duty; produced exemplary results. of all officers, the best among a select grade or group, promote below the zone). Officers' personal assignment considerations are the last aspect in the assignments process. SUBJECT: Character Statement for SPC Joe J. Smith. Expressing a willingness to go further in defense of the subject by providing a phone number or offering to show up at any hearing will double the letter's effectiveness. Leading by example is a manifestation of character and presence attributes." (FM 6-22 Leader Development, 7-23) . The new Army OER form requires bullet comments for the following sections: First and foremost, I have one thing to say: ADRP 6-22 (.