Protocol Practice. He had seen how the circus folk are all one big functioning family unit, and he was happy to be a part of it, but he felt like something was missing, and he was beginning to wonder if he was feeling homesick. -We can't believe what an amazing show you put on for us Lincoln, said Lynn Sr. very proudly, but anyway, I believe it's time to go now son.. Very odd. The antics of the clown act really went well with the crowd, as the whole big top erupted with laughter. Lori: YES! Lucy: Virus. Title idea from @Lance1889 check his stories out. CartoonsLoud House Follow/FavLincoln's Injury By:AndKris An avarage school day, but Lincoln managed to destroy Lynn's baseball bat. He's a natural that one, said Tobias. Lincoln is sick so I am a doctor. He heard one sad voicemail after another of his sisters all pleading for him to come home, and how they were sorry for what happened, and how much they miss him. Lynn Jr. loses a baseball game, Vanzilla gets towed due to Lynn Sr. having an expired driver's license which forces all of them to have to walk back home, the front door of the Loud house gets destroyed by Lisa as the only way to let any of them back in when the doorknob broke off, their TV just shows static, and, of course, Lincoln gets shot because the rest of the family kicked him out. Bruno growled, as he introduced his act. After he was done packing he remembered how he would have to go back downstairs through the front door to leave the house, and this upset him. You were right! Lincoln: (to the viewer) Yeah, where do you think I got all these bruises from? Left Out Loud | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom in: Episodes, Fanfiction, Episodes focusing on Lincoln Loud, and 4 more Left Out Loud View source My fifty-fourth fanfiction. As the show proceeded the various acts of the circus all performed with thunderous applause from the crowd. Lynn Jr: Rawr Rawr. -No, I'm an orphan, and I don't have a home. -Great idea, said the strong man. (slams the door in front of Lori), (Lori gave out another sigh, as she headed outside to find Lana in the mud). Lincoln: This is odd. -We're so sorry about what happened that night bro, said Luna. Rita: Hey Lincoln come on. It would be awesome to see Lincoln in the circus, said Lana. Lincoln ran to the woods after being blamed for something, where he found a man on the verge of death, let's just say Lincoln saw things differently after his encounter En la regin de johto, Lincoln Loud por culpa del orgullo de su hermana Lynn, fue rechazado por los Loud. -Could you pass the ketchup please? asked Skip, and Tobias passed him the bottle of ketchup for his fries. Lincoln took the slide down, and as he walked off, he took one last look at the house, and seemed to really be thinking about what he's doing, but he finally turned around, and walked off. Well come on everybody, we're on next, and the the Palmers, along with Lincoln and the primates all walked out to be introduced. -You got a parent, or legal guardian to sign for this kid? asked the manger. Lori IS a monster! Lori: (in her head) Wait, Lori! Lori: (calm tone) Don't leave soccer balls outside your room, Lincoln almost tripped on them. Lincoln where are you? he asked, as he noticed a lot of Lincoln's belongings were missing, and he saw a note on his bed. -Thank you so much for taking care of our son, said Mr. They're heading into town tonight.. -Hello Lincoln, I'm Winston Palmer, and this is my wife Lara, and our son Skip, said Mr. Palmer. there is an actual Loud house movie, you'll need to have seen at least the beginning to undserstand this story. I originally didn't have much interest in writing fan fiction, and this was originally going to be my last. Lisa: Can you name the animals in this picture? Lincoln: (softly smiled) I forgive you, Lori. -Maybe one of us should go talk to him, suggested Leni. -Wow I didn't know Lisa still had this installed here. The waitress came to give him a refill on his soda, and noticed all of the bags he had with him. Lisa: I mean, in my professional opinion, our male sibling was killed! Lincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. Lincoln: I have to catch that rat before Lori or Leni see it! A few hours later, Lily and Lisa arrive home with Lynn Sr. Rita: Lisa? Am I really like that? Leni & Lola: Shhh!, be quiet, you are dead! The Dreaded: Whoever it was that ordered the hit on Lincoln. Bongo and Daisy are kinda like my siblings, said Skip, the three of us are always hanging out, and they're my best friends,, -Yes, it's non-traditional, said Mr. Palmer, but living in the circus is a great way of life., -Unlike other kids, I'm surrounded by animals, and eccentric people everyday, and get applauded by cheering crowds, said Skip, it really is the coolest life in the world., -Wow! I said Lincoln could come in here! When Lincoln comes back home, I'm going to do everything I can to help Lincoln get better, then maybe he will forgive me. (Lori forcefully throws Lincoln out of her room, as the flashback ends and goes back to Lincoln's room). -Hold your horses, said the second cop, we don't have him, he's with the people who found him. Lincoln's Adoption Part 1 Add to Favourites By videogames518 Published: Feb 1, 2019 63 Favourites 28 34.5K Views *The Louds. -But when all is said and done, we're always there for each other, and always remember the most important thing in life, is family, said Ezra. Lori: (sighs) Just relax Lori, Lincoln will get better. -We don't know where he is, or if we'll ever see him again, said Lisa. -HE IS? she uttered, as she opened her eyes. Family is the most important you will ever have.. The girls just sat there gazing at the family picture, Lincoln gave their parents for their anniversary, with all of them focusing on Lincoln. Lincoln followed the Palmers into their tent, where he also got to meet the monkeys and gorilla that they use in their act. There weren't too many people who shared Lynn's vast enthusiasm for sports, except for, maybe, her father, Lynn Loud Sr. -This is all your fault! shouted Lola towards Lori. The show was about to commence, and everyone was getting seated. The idea from this episode came after I saw the episode Get the Message, where I thought the way Lori treated Lincoln was very disrespectful. Afterwards, I probably would've gone back to doing what I love doing most! -Besides Lincoln, you have to learn to get along. -Oh man this guy is AWESOME, said Lana. Due to my somewhat unhappy thoughts to most of the Loud sisters early on (mostly because of being exposed to the wrong episodes) is the reason why I had the thought to do a story like this. Lori: How many times do I have to tell you?! Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride. Lincoln: (taking his shirt off halfway) Yes Lisa. Lincoln looks to the audience, just once can't we have a normal evening, he said as Lynn threw a tennis ball at him. -No need to be so modest Lincoln, said Tobias. Still no luck.. Lori: Good punch line, but can you tell who killed Lincoln? Had I not met the Rolan Circus, I never would have come to the realization that the most important thing in life, is family. Afterwards, he picked up Lily, and went to join his family in the living room. -No, I'm ecstatic. It's kind of a shame too, because it's always a lot of fun spending time with my sisters. -Yes, yes, yes, answered Lincoln. Lana and Lola: Time to panic time to panic time to panic. Well here it is everybody my 2nd fan fiction Big Top Lincoln. Lincoln: (frustrated) May I please be excused?. Meanwhile the Rolan Circus were on the railroad tracks heading into Royal Woods. Simon Lynch's boss wanted him dead after Lincoln was shot: he hoped his mole Aaron could get the job done before the police would arrest and interrogate Lynch, but Aaron was too late for that. Aren't they great? she asked her family. Things get worse when the poor boy is gunned by a criminal (and survives to disown almost the whole family): now the family must be prepared to face the consequences of their actions; at the same time, it becomes clear there was more behind Lincoln getting shot than the boy simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lincoln: That's why my family needs a doctor in the house. Lincoln, Lisa, Leni, and Lily were the only ones not partaking in it, but once Lori noticed Lincoln was ducking down she informed the rest of them, and they all turned towards Lincoln, and pelted him with food. -Can someone please give me a hand? asked Ezra, who was stuck in a tangled position. I've got a proposition for you. Halloween es una fecha para sustos, dulce o truco y dulces muchos dulces, pero Lincoln no esperaba ninguno de los que le dieron este ao.Ttulo corregido, esto se trata de halloween y las otras festividades. Tonight's going to be a packed show.. Suddenly, Lori pushes Lincoln off the couch and takes the TV). -We know! said the circus folk in unison. Lori: That phone cost me EIGHT-HUNDRED DOLLARS! Lincoln was age 6 when they last went. Lincoln: I was sick two days ago and I had to stay in bed. Lisa: Throat is pretty swollen up and mangled. Lincoln was right! -Dinner's on the table, called out Rita. Leni: I downloaded this game where you have to guess the movie by the icon, but I can't guess it! -Now what am I gonna do?, he asked to himself as he hit the far corner of his room, and the slide Lisa had installed as a secret escape was still there. (Lori's face slowly turned from a angry expression, into a guilty, and teary-eyed one. Lincoln: How can anything that smells like grape shoe polish help my body get well. Lisa: Throat is pretty swollen up and mangled. Please put me down please I just ate?. -Daisy is very friendly, said Mrs. Palmer, as Lincoln approached to meet her. Hey Lincoln get up. Are you trying to do a "Lincoln Loud" cartoon episode in style of an old cartoon from the 50's? We'll make sure he's okay. Lynch's Boss does this to him after finding out that Lincoln survived and has his mole kill Simon. The game that Lincoln and Leni were playing is based on the App called Icon Pop Quiz. But now I realize, that NOTHING, can ever beat how much I cared for you Lincoln, and I'm sorry! -We're always happy to help out someone in need, said Mrs. Palmer. Lincoln jumped in his makeshift protective suit. I'm really going to miss you all, said Lincoln, as he hugged Mr. Rolan. Lincoln: Oh gosh, Lori's probably gonna kick me off any minute now. One of the issues I always had with The Loud House was that I always found Lori to be a very bossy and disrespectful character most of the time, hence why she's easily my least favorite sister. Las condiciones en su ciudad se vuelven intolerables, y debido a ello se ve forzada a emigrar. Rated for multiple reasons. As the other sisters laughed, Lincoln's face turned red, and he finally erupted. Ronnie's rival 17 22 September, 2021 Ronnie Anne has a rival. Lincoln: (to the viewer) Y'know, I'm really glad to have a sister like Lori. Lynn Sr: Be careful when doing that LJ. Back at home, Lori was waiting anxiously on the couch. Doctor: (walks inside the room) Okay girls, time to give him some space. Lisa: Lincoln is sick so I need some medicine for him. Leni: But didn't you say you wanted Lincoln to forgive you? -Don't worry Lincoln, we'll be back in Royal Woods next year, said Bruno. Lincoln continued to partake with Skip in their primate act, and even joined in with Bongo during his and Skip's act, where Bongo balances on a beach ball, while Skip and Lincoln toss him spheres for Bongo to juggle. -My pleasure young mate, said Tobias as he shook Lincoln's hand. Infectious killing machine. Sometimes life can be hectic like a circus, but they're still family. F-Frank got out of-! Is Lincoln okay?! Family Guy spoof of "Stewie is Enceinte". I think I need to calm down. You should know better than that. -Guys! said Lincoln as he gazed upon them in tears for the first time in over a week. -Let me handle this girls, said Lynn Sr., What this needs is a little father-son time.. -Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Palmer this is very kind of you, said Lincoln. Lori: Oh Lincoln! -I've never seen someone so young, become accustomed so fast in all my years as a performer, said Ezra. Lori: Rule number one, keep a closer eye on your stupid spider! (Lynn took her soccer ball, while Lori helped Lincoln back on his feet), (Lori walked away, and Lincoln looked more confused, but generous. As a result Lincoln gets shot while wandering the streets at night. -Well girls, the police are on the search, but it seems like Lincoln isn't even in town anymore. Said Lynn Sr., as he walked out of the room crying while Rita goes to comfort him. Well anyway, I've had a long day, and would like to hit the sack.. The rest of the circus folk were all delighted to hear this, and looked towards Lincoln, hoping he will accept the offer to become part of their show. Did I become a flu zombie or something like that? * Lincoln: *is reading a comic book on his bed* Later that night there was a crowd of people all entering the big top, and there was a poster placed outside with Lincoln on it to inform the crowd of the circus' new member. The family pulled up in front of The Loud House, and Lincoln was happy to see his home again. Lincoln rolled down the window, and waved to his circus friends with all of them waving back, as Vanzilla drove off. and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. -I'm sorry! -Put him down, said the ringmaster, and the barker put Lincoln down. I fully accept.. Later that night, Lori was in her room, texting on her phone). Once again, he turned to the audience. -Oh Lincoln we missed you so much. I can't let the same thing happen between me and Lincoln. -I can't watch! cried Leni as she covered her eyes. -Or maybe your ear shattering noise is what left him on a sour note, but Luan didn't laugh at her own joke, as she and Luna also began to argue. -Goodnight! said the manager, as Lincoln walked out of the motel. Lori and Leni were still walking around town looking for Lincoln, when Leni asked, Have you tried calling him?. Rita: I don't know at all. -If only we could see him again, so we could tell him we're sorry, said Lynn. Lincoln purchased some popcorn, soda, and cotton candy, and went to take his seat as the ringmaster stepped out to introduce the show. It was a quiet weekend at the Loud House, and everyone was doing their own usual thing. The crowd applauded the act so far, and Lincoln was pleased with how his first show was going very successfully. -You're an amazing boy Lincoln, Mr. Palmer, and it's really gonna be hard to see you go.. No wonder Lincoln ran away, said Leni. This causes Lincoln to be unsure of himself. Are you ready to see me bench press this bench with some of my circus co-stars sitting on it? Ezra sat in the middle of the bench, while an acrobat, and the female clown were sitting on the two ends. -Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages, welcome to the Rolan Circus, said Mr. Rolan. What I'm trying to say here is, Lincoln, I love you, and as your older sister, I should've been better towards you. -"Whoa! She had finally had enough. We've got a spectacular lineup for you tonight folks, so let's get started.. (Later that night, Lincoln was in his room reading comic books, when he heard squeaking coming from outside. Lincoln was in the circus? -I missed you guys too, replied Lincoln. The crowd were all impressed by Bongo's trick, and they received a big applause. You never listen to what I have to say, do you?! Now, since it's so boring in here, I've asked everyone in the house if they wanted to do something, but they're all too busy at the moment. Join Rudy Loud the Bastard Son of Lincoln as he and his Siblings (Loan, Leina, Lyra, Liby, Lyle, Lacy, Lupa, Lizy, Leia and Lulu) take you all across their Crazy Lives along with their parents. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride. Her rage blinded her from seeing that she had just hurt him). Lisa: I heard that someone is not feeling very well. My forty-second fanfiction, and sequel to the infamous Season 2 episode, "Brawl in the Family". Here it is, enjoy. All right folks, that's all for now. Goodnight Royal Woods Michigan! announced Mr. Rolan, as the show drew to an end. Loud has been taken into custody." The anchorman continued. I mean, just look at what happened tonight, and look at us now, bickering over whose fault it is. The conditions in Royal Woods became intolerable, and she must look for new chances to survive. That only happened once. -Oh man this is it Lincoln, said Lincoln to himself. in: Fanfiction, Episodes, Deaths, Episodes focusing on Lincoln Loud Lincoln is Dead View source Lincoln is Dead is a Fanficion Transcript: (Lincoln is walking to the living room) Lincoln: It is a good day to be not dead! He even skips lunch to avoid vomit later. Lincoln watched on with pride as everyone he knew cheered him on for his successful performance in the circus. When circumstances allow for some of the family to visit Loch Loud once more, Lincoln reveals some unsettling, previously unmentioned ties to the Loud's ancestral home that could end up changing everything. -Oh, I almost forgot, your circus outfit, said Lincoln. En un mundo postapocalptico, Lori Loud, la ltima superviviente de la familia Loud, lucha por permanecer con vida. Rita: *gasp* Oh no. Lincoln Loud Needs a Hug. Lynn went into Lincoln's room, and noticed the walkie talkie was still there, and used it to call Clyde. -We spoke with someone at the local bus station, and they had sold Lincoln a ticket out of Royal Woods, just before you placed the report. Lori: C'mon Lori, that movie showed me that those two girls wouldn't be friends again. Mature. What seems to be the problem elder brother? Albert asks Lincoln if can he really hate his own family forever. One Boy, Eleven Girls! -An eccentric bunch, but very kind nonetheless, said Lisa, with the rest of the sisters all agreeing with her. All of you guys are the real talent of this show, said Lincoln. The crowd applauded. It's been very tough to put up with, Leni. Lincoln: (opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue) Ahh. (Lori suddenly stopped what she was saying, and noticed the fear in Lincoln's eyes, which suddenly gave her memories of what she did to Lincoln last month, and all the things she's done to him in the past. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Lincoln: Dang it! I will get you a pail. Give it up for our fabulous trained monkeys.. As Daisy was about ready to toss Lincoln through the hoop, his family and friends were all worried how the trick would turn out. Lori: I've done literally everything for him, and he still hasn't even forgiven me! Hey, it's says here your from Royal Woods, and that's the next stop on our tour. In Chapter 10, the Loud sisters have been shunned by all their friends and classmates with Lynn Jr. being kicked out of all sports teams. Lincoln Loud Needs a Hug Lincoln, after being left out tries to see who is ansestors are to see who he's supposed to be. Lincoln was behind the curtain, as he and the Palmers were about to go on to do their primate act. (Lincoln headed downstairs. And we're here to apologize. It took me about three months to get this story finished, and I wanted to make it as special as I possibly could. -Keep it, as a token to remember us by, said Mr. Rolan. My name is Lincoln, Lincoln Loud. I don't own The Loud House or it's characters, Th Lincoln a 12-year-old boy who was not really good at love and he puts it aside to continue with his activities, what he did not know is that there were some girls who we Lincoln joins a secret branch of the US army after an event that happened the night he was kicked out. Lynn's punishment | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom in: Episodes, Episodes focusing on Lynn Loud, Re-writes, and 2 more Lynn's punishment View source My 2nd fanfic on the wiki. To complete the purchase of the only car that is within her reach, after several failed jobs, Lori Loud begins her most aggressive plan: She will become an elegant maid to attend to her embittered neighbor in his needs. Once he reached the bottom, he became unconscious), (The other sisters heard the sound of Lincoln falling down the stairs, which alerted them to come out of their rooms to see what happened), (Luna runs off-screen to get the phone, while the rest of his sisters try to aid him.