Malay(bahasa melayu) and Indonesian (bahasa indonesia) are similar languages that share a root language and language group but are still different, as they have their own vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling and more. You shouldnt have unrealistic goals though. But according to the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), French is a category 1 language. Another appealing thing about learning Norwegian is that the language has different accents. Iceland is known to have some pretty difficult words to pronounce, from place names to everyday words. In fact, it shares many similarities with Indonesian due to the fact that a similar variety of the language is used in Indonesia, Brunei and Singapore., But, although Malay and Indonesian speakers can generally understand each other, there are some differences in terms of spelling, pronunciation, and vocabulary, with Malay based more on loanwords from English, and Indonesian having more loanwords from Dutch., Malay is widely considered to be one of the easiest Asian languages to learn, because its grammatical rules are simple and its easy to pronounce. Afrikaans 9. But even if youre not familiar with any other similar language, Portuguese will be relatively easy to learn. Thats why Norwegian words like morgen, glass, and papir sound so familiar. Spanish 6. In Spanish, a always sounds more or less like a (even with an accent mark), which we as learners appreciate. And although it shares fewer cognates with English (a fancy way of saying 'words that are the same'), there are some other features that make it super-easy.. Spanish is simple to pronounce for English speakers. Above all, have fun. If the grammar structure of the language you are learning is similar to your native language, it will undoubtedly be easier for you than if it were not. For example, the word order in Swedish is also SVO. The Empire stretched over areas such as Macedonia, Thrace, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Bulgaria, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, and even parts of Egypt and Libya. This language was invented by a few linguists who were also great global citizens. It was created by a Polish man in the late 1880s to make a phonetic language that would be predictable and easy to understand. Indonesian 7 Easiest Languages To Learn This article will expose you to some of the simplest and moderate tongues you can learn. Although it doesnt seem so at first, Norwegian is one of the easiest languages for English native speakers. Indonesian is another language that is modestly easy for a willing learner who speaks English natively to pick up. Swedish 5. In addition to Farsi speakers in the Middle East, there is evidence of linguistic transmission all the way to the Western world. As a bonus, if you know Danish, you can read the next two languagesNorwegian and Swedishpretty easily. Alternatively, Persian Language Online offers a variety of free lessons that cover everything from grammar to tenses, vowels to intonation. One of the best ways that you can learn a language is to fully immerse yourself in all aspects of it, including different types of media in that particular language. The tonal element of this language is perhaps the hardest aspect to get to grips with. This will help you to work out whether a particular language is right for you or whether you may want to start with the one that is more similar to your native language. Now we come to the language of Iran, and what modern native speakers use to communicate. For example, FluentU helps you learn languages by adding interactive subtitles to thousands of videos, allowing you to see the language used in context and click on words and grammar structures you dont know. French features a few tricky components for native English-speaking learners, like gendered nouns, inconsistently pronounced letters, and lots of tricky silent letters. You know what Italian words like panini, latte, and gelato mean. ), using the Cyrillic, Arabic, or Kana System (among many others) instead. These two words look almost identical, but notice the very small differences of the and the . So, vocabulary is the first element of learning Spanish that you wont have problems with. An example of this is musique. But, as with many foreign languages, its often simply a matter of getting some practice in. You and your buddy will be able to help each other. However, you can use this as ageneral guide. It is full of mutations and consonants that are unfamiliar to an English speaker, but with some memorization and an eagerness to learn, it is certainly possible. Learning a new language can be made much easier when immersed completely, so opting for an on-site language school is a great option. At the end of the day, if you surround yourself with the Italian language, youll be able to learn it much quicker. Afrikaans - the easiest language to learn for both English and Dutch speakers Afrikaans, the same as English, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, is a Germanic language. Daily practices will help you to form your language learning into a habit. The Persian language uses the Arabic script, something that native English speakers are unfamiliar with. For all its challenges, though, it is a worthwhile language to learn with some interesting conventions. However, the word Persian is still applicable to the language as a whole, as it refers to the spoken and written forms, as well as the entire backstory of the Persian culture that comes along with just the words. So many languages are arguably easier to pick up than others for English speakers. Georgian script is unicase, meaning there are no capital letters and it runs from left to right. Many people are put off learning new languages that require a different alphabet, such as Greek or Arabic. For instance, if youre familiar with Spanish, learning Italian will be much easier. Resources for learning Spanish are also very easy to come by, since it is so widely spoken all over the world. Norwegian 6. And with the Sasanians, a new Persian dynasty emerging after 200 AD, Modern Persian was able to form. For example, the noun system is different from most other languages you may have heard of since it has three genders and two numbers. Italian: Italian is the easiest language for Spanish speakers to learn. It is thought that the language may begin to rise in popularity, though, since it is featured on the popular language immersion app, Duolingo. But, Persian has an enormous amount of Arabic influence, which makes it easier for Iranians to speak and understand Arabic. The Norwegian sentence can be translated word for word in the exact order as it would be said in English. There are a few unique and fascinating grammar rules that the language follows, which are worth mentioning here, relating primarily to Persian morphology. Esperanto was designed with you in mind: Minimal grammar, easy rules and as a bonus, lots of things that resemble many other world languages. With Tagalog spoken as a native language by around 45 million people, learning it or at least some of the basics, will make your stay in the Philippines a lot easier., So there you have it, the 15 easiest languages for English speakers to learn. Nevertheless, Georgian is a beautiful language, particularly when listening to the music of the country. And that will make your learning process a whole lot easier. As one of the Romance languages, Portuguese is certainly very beautiful. This includes literature, history, traditions, and food, as well as the language. 2023 Enux Education Limited. This is because you have less chance of being able to interact with other speakers as you go about your daily life, and also because the language may incorporate cultural concepts that you are not familiar with. Read on to start your journey into the beautiful and intriguing world of the Persian language, and good luck! they frolicked in a field on a warm summers day) comes from the Dutch word vrolijk which means happy and cheerful. Italian 7. Over 2000 of them are commonly used, so you need to know at least all of those. For example, the English word ruthless has just two syllables, but the Polish word for ruthless has a whole five different syllable sounds and an astounding number of hard consonants Bezwzgldny. Similar to the Rosetta Stone, the inscription features three languages for the same text, including Old Persian, Babylonian, and Elamite, and gives historians and linguists a great look into what the original dialect of Persia was like. Even so, French does share many similarities with English, especially when it comes to the vocabulary. Try one of the countless language learning apps, watch online videos of people teaching the language, or challenge yourself to read a chapter or an article in your chosen language. Although every foreign language comes with its own unique set of challenges, the reality is that some languages will simply be easier for fluent English speakers to become proficient in. It is a beautiful language from a country steeped in history and, as such, many of the traditional ways of speaking still stand. In order to put this list together, we took into account the numerous factors which should be considered when deciding whether or not a language is difficult, or easy to learn. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Jakob is a full-time traveler, obsessive language learner, and dedicated language teacher. With the languages on this list, you should be able to get started identifying your low-hanging linguistic fruits. Whereas Dutch demands verb conjugations like those in Englishfor instance, I am, you are, it isAfrikaans doesnt bother you with the details. The family they belong to are the Goidelic languages which, in turn, makes them a part of the Brittonic language family, like Welsh. easiest languages to learn for persian speakers Menu fatal shooting in los angeles today. If the writing style is very different from what you are used to then you may well struggle to get to grips with this at first. The word order format here follows a particular pattern of subject-object-verb, with prepositional phrases nestled between the subject and object. Learn Persian language offline and hundred percent free with no paid content. This is partly down to the fact that Indonesian is a phonetic language, which means words are spelled as they sound. For example, the word frolic meaning to play and move around cheerfully (e.g. You may assume that the Welsh language is Germanic due to being on the border of England and so close to the other countries with a Germanic language. Some writing systems require writing from right to left, as opposed to the left to right method that Germanic languages (English, German, etc.) These minuscule differences can transform the meaning entirely. As if that wasnt hard enough, they also use 6 noun cases and make use of vowel harmony, which is where vowels can sometimes shift in order to sound harmonious. Name: Easiest Languages To Learn For English Speakers, According To Experts: Top 10 Being able to speak another language can actually. independence high school football; fadi sattouf vivant; what animal is like a flying squirrel; james justin injury news; The sounds they use are also very different from English and can leave you feeling tongue-tied. That might seem a bit confusing, but it can actually be an advantage since there is often no single correct way to pronounce a certain word. The syntax of Persian sentences is a little different than what you might be used to in English, as well. Grammar and tones Also, if youve been taking Spanish lessons, Portuguese vocabulary will be much easier to learn. Learn about the best language resources that I've personally test-driven. However, the script involved with learning the Persian language is simpler than you might imagine, once you understand the basics. That's because it's the closest language to English today, both in words and structure. Since they share roots, theyre mutually intelligible to some extentsome sources say 60-70% in daily conversations. By the way, why not check out our list of the best apps to learn French?
SHOW ME HOW! Norwegian is another Germanic language just like English and so it is relatively easy to get to grips with as a native English speaker. For instance, Et tois? (And you?) By doing this you can hear whether you are pronouncing things correctly and will be able to compare them to audio of native speakers. Learning a new language takes time, regardless of its difficulty. Another popular language school is the International Language Institute, offering multiple levels of classes to learn Persian and Farsi in Washington, DC. The Korean hangul will need to be memorized when you first begin to learn the language. However, if the writing style is very different from what you are used to then you may well struggle to get to grips with this at first. You may even find that some of the vocabulary words are easily identifiable because they are similar to words in your native language. For this reason, it is considered a macro language because its reach is vast and extensive. The grammar is ridiculously simple, and there are only about 120 to 130 words. In fact, you probably already know how to order so much more. Indonesian grammar has no concept of plurals or tenses and no grammatical genders. For example, a writer targeting the Japanese market might learn Japanese . As you likely expected, Arabic uses Arabic script. The multi-state system set up by Cyrus continued, including tax districts, infrastructure, communications, and transportation, all important to sustain such a massive expanse. Check out our article on the best way to learn a new language here. Nowadays, Latin script is used, which is why native English speakers find it a little easier. Here are the five easiest languages to learn for Arabic speakers. Dutch is full of English cognatesdrinken (to drink), kat (cat), week (week), licht (light) and hundreds more. For this reason, they have had a lot of influence on English, particularly American English. The Greek victory inspired various revolts staged by Greek cities under Persian control, and while the Persian army was still recovering, the Empire lost much of its Baltic holdings, including Macedonia as a whole. With many languages not connected to the Latin alphabet, you'll need 1,100 hours of practice to proficiently speak Category III languages, according to Rosetta Stone. You can also find some of your favorite movies and shows that you already know well and watch them in another language. Do you want to learn a new language but you dont have a lot of free time on your hands? We approve.) Or, easier than other languages, to be more precise. Youll also need to familiarise yourself with unfamiliar compound words like jordntter, which means peanuts, but translates to dirt nuts, or kofngare, which means bumper, but translates to cow catcher., Romanian is a language you might not have expected to see on this list. This includes things like sentence structure, vocabulary, tones and sounds, and writing system. Its the most closely related to English out of all the languages in this list. And to rule the vastness of the Empire, Persia needed kings. When you're differentiating between some of the easiest and hardest languages to learn, you will likely stumble upon the Danish language. The Hindi language is a relatively challenging one and takes hours to perfect to even an intermediate level. Although Frisia no longer exists, Frisian, which actually consists of three main dialects, is still in use in parts of the Netherlands and Germany., English and Frisian share many similarities in terms of sentence structure and vocabulary. And if you stick to your schedule and follow the suggested learning path, you can learn quite a lot in less than a month. Because it is a part of the Indo-European language tree, such influence is common, but not everyone knows the origins of certain words. If you want to learn Persian online, there are many great options available to you right at your fingertips. And The Easiest Language To Learn Is. Sure, it is a little more difficult because it takes around 900 hours, but the alphabet is Latin script, meaning it is something you will be used to, and the words are phonetic meaning they are said how they are spelled. The language changed and morphed over time, leaving us with the modern language and areas of native Persian speakers, including modern-day Iran. Even if it is just ten minutes a day, it is enough to keep what you have learned fresh in your mind. Once the fundamentals are down, you should be more than ready for basic conversations and childrens books. After Cyrus the Great transformed the groups of nomadic tribesmen into Persians and unified the lands under the name of an Empire, nearby Middle Eastern kingdoms like Media, Babylon, and Lydia soon fell under his rule to create the first superpower of the ancient world: the connection of Mesopotamia, the Nile, and the Indus Valley. But compared to the languages with different writing systems and strange grammar concepts, learning basic Swedish is a piece of cake. Language vs Dialect: Whats the Difference? A large portion of its vocabulary comes from Arabic, meaning that will be the main hurdle for non-native speakers to overcome. use. Both Thai and Chinese are tonal languages. Are you thinking about taking Portuguese lessons? Although it can be a bit daunting, Swahili grammar is actually very straightforward. English, for example, has many similarities to other Germanic languages (think German and Dutch). An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Surprisingly, another relatively easy language for native English speakers to get to grips with is that of Romanian. Finnish is an interesting language to feature on this list because most people may assume that it would belong to the Indo-European family. Languages that are more closely related to English share certain qualities and characteristics that make them easier for English speakers to pick up. Under Xerxes, Persia took over large parts of Northern and Central Greece in the 480s BC, and the Empire was only shaken by the conquest of Alexander the Great by 330 BC. Many languages are similar to other languages. Thanks to the similarities to the English language, you already know quite a lot. If you prefer the feeling of a book in your hands while learning a language, you are not alone. That is, Farsi is Persian, particularly the type that is spoken within Iran and parts of Afghanistan, and the term Farsi is not used for dialects in other countries of the Middle East. French speakers can master other Romance languages like Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. #1. As well as this, the grammar rules are different from what we may be used to, as they follow the Subject Object Verb writing and speaking order. Learners need to learn a whole new alphabet and character system to understand Russian. Other features of the script include that it is an abjad alphabet, which means that only letters for vowels exist and any vowels must be indicated with diacritics or specific consonant combinations. It is the former two that are most commonly used. Language families are languages that are grouped because they are related in some way through descent. Continue with Recommended Cookies. For instance, Good morning, translates to Goeie moarn in the West Frisian dialect., Unfortunately, since Frisian is only spoken and understood by about 500,000 people, theres little reason to learn it, unless you intend to relocate to the Dutch province of Friesland or Germanys Saterland or North Frisia regions., Dutch, like Frisian, is closely related to English. But since Norwegian and English have a lot of similarities, if you decide to take Norwegian lessons, you shouldnt come across too many obstacles.