They go hand in hand but the government doesnt recognize all the years my husband had dementia. Together, we must take action to save lives. As I understand it Walter Reed Army Hospital conducted trial (experimental) treatments on him to no avail. I agree with every word you wrote. My husband is 100% disabled due to Agent Orange exposure from Vietnam tour. Pour toulene on rag, wipe up, and repeat. Its a shame that it has taken this long for bladder cancer to be recognized that it can be caused by the deadly exposure of Agent Orange. Come guys -get serious you know it was all over that island! Thanks. Its on the VAs own list of bases. My faith in the VA got a big boost by the quick response to my initial application. through the red tape. Planes and Choppers spraying directly over us wile sweeping the area No portable water. My husband had several of those illnesses, but VA kept loosing only the real important documentation and then even went as far as wanting daily records. Get more resources at Pancreatic Cancer 25 years ago at only 68 years old! And I wanted to try to talk to him, Ellen Spinks. Im currently suffering neurological problems, at first diagnosed as Parkinsons and later as an undiagnosed Parkinson-like syndrome. If your husband died from any of the diseases under agent orange and it is listed as the cause of death on his death certificate, the VA rep can access and reopen his filed claim and you should be eligible for a DIC special pension. Ive been told by VA examiners that its not in my blood system. thanks Fred Carlberg, Contact the BLUE WATER NAVY ORGANIZATION they have access to ships logs and can confirm if the Kearsarge was in territorial waters at anytime. im sure he falls in this category relating to his death. A deceased buddy of mine was stationed on Guam. Both VA and DoD welcome new information on locations for the historical testing or use of tactical herbicides. Were old news to them, Skinner said of the VA. Arnie Harmon, a Columbus-area veteran who served in Thailand, filed for compensation or a monthly stipend some 15 years ago at the urging of one of his physicians. During this rather dismal 14 month period I often wondered why so much red tape when the facts were undeniably evident (at least to me!) Our 29 year old son was just diagnosed with CML Leukemia. A Maryland Democrat, David Trone, a member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, has introduced the latter piece of legislation. You may not have standing to file for benefits. A VSO may be able to do something, but dont hold your breath. Maybe Ill still be alive! Thats what we do; we get creative, Mineer said. Also have had severe sinusitis problems since serving in the Air Force. Big deal! I need to be working but I cannot! What is going to be done for families that have already loss loved ones prior to this ruling? March 3 (UPI) -- The lesion that President Joe Biden had removed from his chest last month during his physical was a common type of skin cancer, his physician said Friday. No other family member has this condition. Poway, Calif. attorney Amanda Mineer recalled working on one case in which she and her team had to introduce into evidence a photo of a sailor taking a photographic selfie of himself on a ship as that ship crossed the equator, with barrels of Agent Orange nearby, visible in the photo. Exactly,JP fuel, chromate & benzodiazepines as well! . Developed diabetes. Good luck and God bless you. 2. I still believe I was subjected to Agent Orange. I do get benefits for my hearing but still have issues with my shaking . I, at least, now have survivor benefits to help me in retirement. I am amazed that the VA believes burn pit issues only affect those serving in the more recent SW Asia campaigns. HELP! I lived in Okinawa in 1967-68, then was in Navy in Vietnam from My 51 years of marriage Vietnam war Vet is totally debilitated in every capacities , bedridden, wheelchair bound , totally blind , etc..he required More than 100% care by me and we both are in our seventy and suffering horrific bodily pain ! My husband found a good advocate 150 miles from where we lived and got all his benefits. You cant win. I lost my fater 4 years ago to the toxic water at camp Lejeune. You have to prove it.. My husband served three tours in Vietnam and died a horrible death seven years ago of four of the diseases named. Asking them to do claims involving Chemical contamination is like asking a Janitor to build the space shuttle, and everyone knows it, but the games and waste of tax payer dollars continue as VA is a self run Government entity that can use logic to make decisions only assimilate like the Borg. My husband had Lewy Body Dementia for twelve years that we know of and then had Parkinsons the last three years of his life. Does anybody know about it ? We carried and transferred AGENT ORANGE to AIR CRAFT CARRIERS many times. Army and was later diagnosed with Diabetes, hearing loss, Parkinsons and other health conditions and according to one doctor at the VA he was exposed to Agent Orange. Operation Ranch Hand. You can file as a widow for spousal benefits. Good luck. from 9/67 to 5/68, we had 2 helicopter Squadrons home Based on our ship. One place my brother was stationed was Dong Ha. I also was in nam 2 clicks s of dmz and was found to have bladder cancer in 06 filed a claim in 12 now a new claim this past March I heard they will go back 12 on payment is that true Don. I was stationed at Camp Jackson near Uijeongbu for 16 months in 67 and 68, and spent some of that time in the DMZ establishing artillery survey control. Posted at 4:58 PM, Feb 08, 2021 . We tried to apply for some type of benefits due to Agent Orange then and were turned away. PRESUMPTIONS OF SERVICE CONNECTION FOR DIS-2 EASES ASSOCIATED WITH EXPOSURE TO CER- 3 TAIN HERBICIDE AGENTS FOR VETERANS 4 WHO SERVED IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE 5 REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM. This is absolutely the right thing to do for Veterans and their families.. File a claim for DIC at or find a good VA advocate to help you. Any others here? The term agent orange has to be removed from any claim and replaced with herbicide which is a denial by our VA that the chemical was used to defoliate the perimeters of all the air basis in Thailand. Make an appointment with your nearest VA representative. I have an idea of how to get started. Will his claim be reviewed now in light of the new findings? visit for more resources. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. Ive had issues with my hands shaking for a long time. My dad also served in Vietnam and was exposed to Agent Orange and I have a genetic mutation or defect that showed up in the chromosome tests called Ankylosing Sponylitis. These vets didnt decide to go to war with Vietnam they didnt decide anything except to answer the call of duty to their country. What about the thousands who served in Thailand and were exposed to agent orange, have the same medical issues as those who served in Vietnam, but are continually denied any benefits. He worked on a base heavy with agent orange. What about soldiers that did not serve in the Republic of China but was assigned to combat engineer units that were in Vietnam, and brought back equipment used in the jungles of Vietnam, exposing soldiers to that equipment whom started experience such problems as boils and other unusual respiratory problems in early to mid 70s. Shameful how they treat these vets!! VA presumes (assumes) exposure to Agent Orange for Veterans who served on any U.S. or Royal Thai military base in Thailandfrom January 9, 1962, throughJune 30, 1976. He is possibly having to go to nursing home because of my health, and only has 10%disability for tinnitus. My dad served the US Airforce in 1952 through unknown date due to his records was burned in the 1973 fire. Hard of hearing as well. This article is a joke! If you would like my help just let me know. How old is Robert now, where do you think he lives at. He had filed an Agent Orange claim several times. My dad died of cancer and I RECEIVED NO BENEFITS from the VA as i am my dad only survivor. Before that I was in 2\12th in the infantry and walked through areas where AO was used. I did all of a You submit a claim, Harmon said. It is most likely from agent orange. I am a Vietnam Veteran who, has lived with critical neuropathy after several EMGs. I am proud to have served, but I am not pleased at the way the VA treats me and many other veterans. My husband also was there during Tet 67-68. Thanks for helping the lady above. Three tours in Vietnam, all on the DMZ, two brown water, one blue water. Seems like mission is to dissuade veterans. He filed a claim but died before the VA completed his claim. Sen. Sherrod Brown supports theThailand Veterans Toxic Exposure Act, a version of which was included in the Senate Veterans Affairs Committees toxic exposure bill reported out of committee in May. In I was told they received it to late and no further action Is there a link between Skin Cancer and Agent Orange? About 10 years ago I filed with the VA and brought my medical records from my own doctors. Im a child of a deceased Vietnam vet. He died of Acute On Chronic Respiratory Failure. My husband served in Vietnam in 1967-1968 and was diagnosed with AML leukemia in September 2020 and died in February 2021. I guess the VA is waiting for me to check out completely. My husband was also a Vietnam soldier and contracted every desease that you can get from Agent orange but the VA was paying for all the desease that were connected with agent orange , you just have to file a claim for each sickness , please do it , they will take responsibility they did for my husband until he passed this January 2021. Hey, they can keep it and put it you know where. Will every case be reopened? Would like to see something about the Ft. McClellan toxic exposure..Ive got hypothyroidism, high blood pressure, nepherotic syndrome, migraines. To make an appointment call 920-448-4450 . He saw active duty the entire tour. says good luck. Should we reopen his case for this? was a really horrible person who even after hearing of the resolution of the multi year court case by USN Veterans who had previously been denied because of only being offshore and not in the country of Vietnam called The Bluewater Sailors Act he Wilke said I am Not Going To Do It as It Will Cost Too Much Money The V.A. VA is initiating rulemaking to consider adding respiratory conditions, which may include asthma, sinusitis and rhinitis, to the list of chronic disabilities based on an association with military service in Southwest Asia, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan during the covered periods of conflict. The administration has known for years agent orange was killing VN vets. But they were all sprayed.. Thank you. He deserves something for his suffering and death related to his exposure while in Korea! I couldnt agree more. I am burdened with hypothyroidism, cyclothymia, type II diabetes, Major depressive disorder, very high anxiety issues, chronic degenerative joint disease and a few other medical issues. What about the drinking water at Camp Lejeune..v and prostate cancerv, what about soldiers exposed to shlt pits in Afghanistan. Find a VSO veterans service officer in your area, they will fill out forms and get them to the They used that letter repeatedly to deny claims, Mary Flodder, McHenrys widow, said in an interview. I hope this isnt a Hurry up and wait. Now that is just one person. Veterans are STILL battling a war, this war with their own government. 4th MAW. Army. Charles, I too in my later years came down with Parkinson. Those of us who served on aircraft carriers operating out of yankee station are denied compensation for agent orange related conditions because we were outside the 12 mile limit. My brother, who was a chopper pilot for the Army in all of the Sand Box regions, has been riddled with cancer for several years now due to benzene and other additives they put in the jet fuel to help make it more stable. I cannot claim exposure to AO due to neither the Pentagon or Headquarters MC being allowed to tell the VA that I was actually in country and exposed. This is great news and I am happy to see leadership at the VA leading the way on behalf of the vets who are yet to receive the benefits due them. Longshot, but were you there in 68 as well. Liars!!! The one we had before was worthless! During 2020-2021, VA and DoD updated the list of locations based on new information to several locations in the U.S. and oversees, including Thailand, Korea, and . But we did. All of my skin peeled off but no body was interested in my problems. So many of these Vietnam era vets have already passed from this BS. Why do our veterans have to prove so much when agent orange was such a poison. We met another soldier who had Hodgkins from serving in Vietnam with agent orange. My father was in Korea and Vietnam and was diagnosed with colon cancer and lymphoma and died shortly after in 1972. Filed again 12/15/2020 in anticipation of the dx finally being approved as presumptive. After a complete resection of my esophagus & upper stomach & removal of the Vegas Nerves in my stomach with follow up radiation therapy, I lost over 70 lbs., which I have never been able to regain. To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. The VA to me at this point in time is absolutely useless! Not sure why youre responding to this woman so rudely. Im grateful for the be befits our service members now receive as my husband a twenty year retired war veteran does, but these Vietnam Veterans suffered through decades up against the brick wall that was the old VA. while going through a colnoscopy when i was told they (the doctors and my team care givers) had been looking at my thyroid glans and let me know that they have concerns. My husband died from gastric cancer and according to the appeals board so did many other Viet Nam Vets. Be well, Bobby. Four years later, it gets approved and I file my claim on 1 March.. You were boots on ground during the required times. Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them - Congressman David Trone November 01, 2021 Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them Credit: Dayton Daily News, Thomas Gnau Vietnam War-era veterans who served in Thailand say they're still fighting. Everyday it is a fight with V.A. The local dentist shop told me the VA isnt approving off campus work now. Yet as you suggest, they are simply waiting for us all to die off. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS How about the contaminated waters in Fort Dix, Hes fought for this PARKINSONS knowing full well it came from what he was exposed to in Vietnam. Agent Orange was the reason. Will she possibly be eligible for benefits of the new changes? HMC, FMF, USMC, USS America [CVA66]. When I called the VA, I was told that this was not related to exposure of Agent Orange. The VA said his disease, of which there was no family history, was not related to his service and he didnt live long enough to see that changed. I submitted my claim in 2008 after being called to the VAMC to be placed on the registry. Veterans began making claims due to health problems related to Agent Orange exposure as early as 1977, but they were often rejected unless patients could prove their health problems began a year after discharge. I have Prostate Cancer. Jul 11, 2016 THAILAND, AGENT ORANGE; Jul 5, 2016 RANGE-OF-MOTION TESTING REQUIREMENTS; June 2016 Jun 10, 2016 . I have copd (breathing problems) and sinus conditions, do i qualify? Funny thing is the chemical being sprayed one could actually see with no problems. I believe I might get something after I am dead. My daughter was born with autism. The residue that was on them ? My husband also served 67-68 with the Army, from DaNang, all the way up to the DMZ at Camp Evans as an Engineer attached to the 1st Cav. Ask anyone who served in Vietnam and it was common practice to dispose of human excrement by mixing it with diesel fuel and burning it. Take your claims information to a Veterans Service Officer and get advice before filing the claim. I hope this article doesnt give people false hope. My husband now has a 240% disability rating with T&P and we got the final ratings through the American Legion. The VA pats itself on the back for adding three presumptives but conveniently ignores the one with a solid link. Thank you for nothing. The burn pits too were gross also! If, you do not have PD, you may be able to file for the new Parkinsom. But the VA says, sorry no claim in your 1st year out, too bad. We would appreciate any help with the claim as it would cost 4,000 a month which we could not afford but one month. Agent Orange is just a euphemism for many different types of herbicides. I was also told that because I was able to raise my extremely arthritic arms over my head that I should be fortunate that the VA doesnt take away my disability benefits altogether. They will help you with your compensation claim. My self I got a bloody nose and sore throat. So, hes a pulmonary patient at that time, but only AFTER he is diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung cancer that was also in his liver and other areas did he get 100% disability rating. I assumed that once a person wS 100%, there was no need to further file for illness related to agent orange. Is he bragging about complying with the law? Pass this info to everyone who was exposed to chemicals from Vietnam. I spent a lot of time in those training areas and it would certainly explain my diabetes and kidney disease with no family history of either. My Father Thomas H. Wilson Sr. (Deceased) died on February 14, 1986, after a gruesome battle with Bone, Lung, and, Stomach cancer. He was 32 years old when he died and left me with our two children, Colleen, 4 1/2 and John, 15 months old. NOT a great idea sending him to the coastline and semi-jungle conditions back into death and destruction, but thats Uncle Sam for you. Saigon was actually worse as there was no garbage collection and large roadside dumps along Plantation road were set on fire periodically. the VA acknowledged Agent Orange use in Thailand and made service members stationed there eligible for compensation . When did you serve in Korea? So many of us has been through the process without any results. Often fence lines were sprayed to kill vegetation that may have hid the presence of enemy soldiers. They took away my health and my youth and replaced it with an endless routine of jumping through hoops to get basic healthcare needs, and now, as my body rapidly deteriorates, I will be forced to keep working until I die, which wont be soon enough. I suggest you keep applying as the last Sect. We get no information about others who have, or had, this incurable disease. If they need more money to help all Veterans contaminated, they need to find the money and stop discriminating one age of Veteran against the other which has happened over last twenty years with no regard for the legality. Thank you for your time in reviewing this note. He was rated 100%. The Veterans Agent Orange Exposure Equity Act, introduced by Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Penn., and Rep. Matt Cartwright, D-Penn., would allow veterans who served in some other countries during the conflict to access benefits without providing additional evidence. I looked at all your pages of breaking news and it is all the same ,lot of words and no info of the breaking news ,Have been trying since 1996, and not much help ,turned down because it was not on my active duty records ,tried to tell the them that my many disibility,s came after I came down with non Hoginkins lymphoma in 1995 made no difference,they are waiting till some more of us are dead,I have most of those disibility,s they are talking about ,and it is rough to think about sometimes,but we will make it without va ,and probably be better off . My father died from cancer from Agent Orange colon cancer the VA denied it . Rhodes joined the military in 1968. Lived for basically 5 months. He was diagnosed with bladder cancer and prostate cancer. I came into contact with Agent Orange when footage was burned off in the northern parts of the island. Between the Benzine in the JP4 that I breathed, the Asbestos and Oils on the Tuluga, and the God knows what on the other ships it is a no wonder that I have COPD. I filed an appeal to reopen an agent Orange claim for diabetes from serving on a submarine in the Viet Nam waters for four deployments when the presumption for blue water sailors was approved and put into effect in January of 2020. A Guide to Strengthening Your Thailand Agent Orange Exposure Claim Edward M. Farmer is a U.S. Army veteran and an attorney. Im not a Veteran either but I was born with the severest form of Spina Bifida. Please switch auto forms mode to off. Too bad this wont help my father or my family. In addition I have hyperthyroidism. I dont know if they will ever wake up and do the right thing for us. Dont give up! These are the evidence pieces you should give to your VSO, or if filing on your own, the evidence you scan and attach when submitting a claim at Guess they hope I die. But he sought (and seeks) compensation for pain and suffering. Have never been able to figure out who he was :-( Good luck! File, ASAP; they only go from initial claim date. My husband served 20 years in the USMC and served in the Vietnam War in 1968. My husband died of stomach cancer, had hashimotos disease etc. Im a GW veteran and it took me 20 years to get any benefits and it wasnt retroactive. Hit enter to expand a main menu option (Health, Benefits, etc). Peripheral Neuropathy, Early Onset (if it presents within one year of exposure to a degree of 10 percent disabling) What did Kissinger quote! Contact a VSO officer. go to a VA clinic or hospital and get registered with the VA Health System. Some have won on appeal.. VIETNAM AND THAILAND VETERANS . My disability claim was denied. Never seems to end. He died of lung cancer and I was told after he died I could no longer proceed with our request. I have been dealing with them since 2004 with no result. VA Mantra, Deny, Deny, Deny Until The Veteran Dies. My husband died in January 2021. It will make it much easier if you know a state he has lived in. I was in Nam 18 months, 29 April 68 to 7 Dec 69, I have Diabetes 2, receiving 30 % compensation for AO induced Diabetes 2. I was soon denied because I was on the wrong colored water. She could very well be eligible for benefits. I try to kick it by running and staying healthy but to no avail. The Kearsarge is NOT YET a BLUE WATER SHIP but i remember Launching, Recovering and Securing these Helos after IN COUNTRY or Near Shore rescues. So, good luck to any of you still living and fighting. My father died already and we tried to file a claim when he did only to be denied. I have had experiences with the VA similar to yours. My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 3 years ago. The question is how many generations will the exposure of Agent fill in the blank and other chemicals? Best to submit quickly and keep copies of everything in one file. Catherine, you and other children of vets have to keep filing with related conditions in order for the VA to show a heredity correlation to the disease to base the approval. I am looking for Robert? What do I have to do. I am so glad they have finally recognized bladder cancer as a result of agent orange. Veterans who served in Thailand have long contended they face a higher bar in winning Veterans Administration (VA) disability benefits claims, having to clearly demonstrate they were exposed to Agent Orange or other harmful herbicides while their fellow veterans enjoy a presumption that they were exposed. Not one time has anyone at the VA offered to help me with claims or appeals for any of these issues. WASHINGTON - U.S. Operation Ranch Hand exposed millions of people in Southeast Asia and at least 500,000 American troops to the chemical. Hows that for depression. Go to the nearest Disabled American Veterans office and ask them for assistance. This toxic exposure was preventable. Domingo L Buenafuente. I sat in the chair, demanded him to look and waited for his lazy ass to find it! Thats where my father was and how I know he died! He said he worked in areas close to base fencelines and perimeters, sometimes chaining down jets to run the engines, which would actually kick up dust and dirt everywhere around the aircraft.. How is sht burning not considered exposure to particulate matters? Being exposed just doesnt stop with the military member.