From the origins of the US political system, the constitutional framework, participatory inputs, formal institutions, and public policy, the major points are addressed. The book's seventeen chapters are well-divided into five parts. The text is not overladen with jargon, and when specialized terms are used, there is an effort to provide definitions for terms. The information presented in the text book is accurate and comparable to all other books I have used on the market. It is not overly complicated and written at the appropriate level. Instead the textbook chooses to avoid the high stakes conversations. Reviewed by Andrew Thangasamy, Associate Professor, Metropolitan State University of Denver on 8/28/20, In terms of content, the textbook has all the chapters one normally expects from an introductory American Government textbook. Because the textbook has less of an editorial voice, it is easier to move chapters around. This book is very comprehensive. In this textbook, you will find a built-in structure that helps you identify the key concept in every lesson and see it in action. } The formatting of the text throughout is excellent. It would be easy to rearrange the chapter order of this textbook to suit the needs and style of most anyone teaching an American government 101 course. democracy, literally, rule by the people. I did not see anything that I would say is not accurate, as much as a couple items that need to be updated, but that is discussed below. I like the additional chapter on State and Local Government (Chap 14). The chapter on State and Local Government was a nice addition, but I am not sure how many instructors would be able to cover this material in addition to the other material required in an Introduction to American Government course. In each unit, there is a clear progression of thought from basic description of concepts toward more critical analysis. The book looks very good, is easily navigable, and has a pleasing visual style (viz. Offers coverage of topics that most instructors would cover in such a class, including political behavior, civil rights/liberties, American In the table of contents, chapter 17 is titled "Chapter 17: Foreign Polict.". Most of the chapters are accurate but I found two main problems: the map on different types of government (Chapter 1) and the chronology of the Bill of Rights (Chapter 2). The text of each chapter does form a consistency. 28 . The textbook is consistently outlined. Students first learn what constitutes a government. The authors or editors clearly made an effort to be inclusive in this chapter. Americans believed all people (i.e., White males) possessed the rights to life, liberty, and property. Well, longevity is a tough matter for this kind of text. The text is divided into 5 categories. A second point, is figure 3.17 regarding marriage equality. The material progresses in a way that makes the most sense. I will admit, however, I could not get the hyperlinks to work. Each subsection has a quick review at the end to help readers see if they understand the section. Today's must-read. I clicked on many, but was not taken to that particular resource. I saw no problems here. However, I believe that the chapter on Bureaucracy (Chapter 15) would be better placed after the discussion of the Presidency (Chapter 12). United States Government: Our Democracy allows high school students to master an understanding of the structure, function, and powers of government at all levels. I am impressed with the comprehensiveness of the textbook. The highlighting of key terms and the examples that are provided are helpful. And finally, it contains both sections on individual rights and liberties as well as policy and bureaucracy. Not much to comment on here. I am glad to have discovered this book. The many color images and illustrations are very critical to minimizing any confusion. There is no unifying logic, but the lack of this epistemological perspective is one strength of the book. He was our longest-serving president and also our best. The text covers all areas that one would expect from an introduction to American Government textbook. this revised book on our United States Government. I believe the language used in the text is entirely appropriate for an introductory college course on the subject. The textbook does not contain grammatical errors. The Iroquois Confederacy, founded by the Great Peacemaker in 1142 1, is the oldest living participatory democracy on earth 2. Moreover, I found the film selection stiflingno documentaries, no TV series, no foreign films. For example, what were free people color doing while such issues as Shay Rebellion and debates about military involvement in the Revolutionary War were going on . I do find, however, the text to be more densely worded than preferable. These issues are prevalent in American political and social life, and have been accentuated during the first term of President Trump. I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster and everyone else has a seat belt. The "Middle Ground" feature might need to be updated as controversies change but overall this definitely a relevant textbook. United States Government: Our Democracy, Student Learning Center Online interactive website, accessible with login and password. This is a slightly difficult area to comment on. And the text generally attempts to present its material in a balanced and unbiased way, presenting several perspectives on controversial issues. I found the language clear. Instead the chapters information jumps around and the data needs organizing. The book is comprehensive, covering the major topics one would expect to find in a U.S. government textbook. The 5 sections of the book could also be broken apart, for instance I would assign Chapter 15, but not 16 or 17, given the constraints of time. The writing appears to be objective and factually correct. The book leans more towards describing American government than explaining it, which may be fine for many instructors, especially for an introductory course. One small issue: I found that I could not order a free 'desk' printed version from the publisher, as is standard for normal texts. This text is not culturally insensitive. Also, I was disappointed that I requested access to the instructor resources a few weeks ago, but as of the start of the semester I have still not received access. At the edges, the composition of Congress and descriptive representation will need to be updated. Log in to your program from these platforms: McGraw Hill Science Interactives (612), .bs3-nav-link-support a{ Basics of American Government - University of North Georgia My own opinion is that the biggest shortcoming is a lack of current events coverage. The situation is presented to students in a completely objective fashion. read more. I did not find the book cultural insensitive. Experiences and participation of African-American, Latinx, Asian, indigenous, women, and LGBT citizens fill a chapter. While I would like a comprehensive glossary for each chapter, the fact that each subsection within the chapter has its own glossary makes assigning small sections very easy, though I would not recommend assigning sections in place of a full chapter. One designed to be looked at online, another one that is essentially a replica of the printed version. are excellent for visual learners and certainly enhance the message of each section/chapter. The text covers the full range of standard American Government textbooks, from government and civic engagement, to civil liberties and rights to branches of government and foreign policy. In the book, the word Figure will appear to let the reader know to look for an image. I set up an assignment for my students to respond to a question based on the discussion in this section in an online class. My least favorite chapter concerns Federalism (3), not because of the topic but I just think that chapter is not as informative as others. 334-335). read more. The textbook utilizes a wide array of references to various cultures, both in its written content and its supplementary graphics. American Government is a very comprehensive textbook. As an introduction to American Government, the text covers the areas and ideas of the subject at a very comprehensive level. Teachers Edition:The print Teacher Wraparound Edition is built on the principles of Understanding by Design. The supplementary material within each chapter/section like Finding Middle Ground and Milestone can be an effective tool for the instructor to use for additional student engagement or an activity as such go deeper into a particular concept than mere text can. This matters very much for American government texts, and the author has done a very good job here mixing long-standing historical examples with contemporaneous material. This is a positive choice as it provides students with some knowledge of state and local government without usurping the information that is taught in a state and local government class. Where is the concept of deterrence? read more. read more. The only suggestion that I would make is to include a little bit more political psychology, especially in the chapters on public opinion and the media. It provides an effective index as well as a glossary of key terms at the end of each chapter. read more. Not every one covers Civil Rights and Liberties or Foreign and Domestic Policy, but this text does offer a chapter on each of those. In fact, Kurtz et al. Its review of Civil Rights and the groups fighting for their rights is one of the strongest parts of the text. Although the disinclination students sometimes feel toward politics is examined , the many and various avenues to address grievances or engage in government enterprises are the centerpiece of the book's mission. Sylvie Waskiewicz, PhD, is an editor, researcher and writer who specialties include textbook publishing and e-learning instructional design, including copyediting and proofreading with meticulous review of text, layout, and media from first pages to printer proofs as well as QC of web content (HTML/XML). Its framework is solid. No Rating Yet Discover. Great examples, engaging stories, and clever interactive readings; the textbook would be relevant to most community college students today. However, it would be helpful if there were a way to transition back to the main body of the text from the note in question. Each chapter includes an introduction, theory and history of particular governmental entity, Links to Learning credible websites, graphs, photos, documents, Insider Perspectives introducing a biography of an icon of the chapter, ways to engage in real life government , glossary, and Bibliography for Further Study including books and films. I would have included in most, if not all chapters after the constitution, sections where students would be guided on how to engage with politics effectively in the context of each chapter. THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES in 10 minutes The 1619 Project Exposed: A Special Edition of the American Mind . For instance, the many examples of LGBTQ issues like marriage was well documented and current through recent case law like Masterpiece Cakeshop. There is little to nothing lost compared to a mainstream textbook. The material offered more than meets the appropriate standard for a textbook used in a first or second year course in American Government and Politics. In fact, the text compares positively with other leading texts in this regard. Foundations of Our Democracy (Aug 22-26) Monday: Roots of Democratic Government - All About Me (Assignment) . United States Government: Democracy in Action. First, Page 39 of textbook about Locke and the social contract gives no citation. However domestic and foreign policy are rushed at the end while lobbyists and other peripheral topics enjoy a more central position. In the course of using this textbook, I have discovered no significant errors. Present the electoral information in tables and use the 2016 election as a case study. margin-bottom: 1rem !important; Democratic Values Liberty, Equality, Justice. There are even two chapters on public policy, which many basic textbooks omit. In short, more up to date statistics and graphics should be there. read more. I found the content of the book accurate and complete. From the founding and Constitution to the major institutions of Congress, Courts, and the Presidency, these major areas are all covered. Electoral case studies provide for a story within a history. From the origins of the US political system, the constitutional framework, participatory inputs, formal institutions, and public policy, the major points are By the standards of Introduction to American Politics textbooks, this is a comprehensive offering. The links embedded in the book often do not work. You have been searching for correct information on United States Government Our Democracy Textbook . Figures and images were clear and undistorted. In some cases, the additional or special chapter focuses on a specific policy area such as environmental policy or housing policy. Overall there are no major things to complain about here. Reviewed by Alexandre Couture Gagnon, Associate Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley on 10/26/20, This textbook covers the main topics of a course on American government. The text is highly relevant for students studying American government and politics today and will serve students well in subsequent years without seeming obsolete. All about United States Government Our Democracy Textbook is exactly what you need. The text covers the full range of standard American Government textbooks, from government and civic engagement, to civil liberties and rights to branches of government and foreign policy. [et al.] Madison and Hamilton cite him in the Federalist Papers. Diverse student populations will appreciate this aspect of the text. In summary, this is a high-quality book that has most everything anybody would want. If anything, the text may be a bit on the long side. The text is particularly impressive with its section on "Equal Protection for Other Groups" as it provides an exceptional overview of the challenges many groups have faced in the United States with thoughtful explanations of landmark Supreme Court cases and legislation impacting the struggle for civil rights. I also wish that some videos were integrated into the text as students love videos and this might help to draw them into the content even more. The appendix is also important; and for example, it contains the Constitution, and some of the Federalist Papers. When you become a U.S. citizen, you also make these promises: give up loyalty to other countries defend the Constitution and laws of the United States obey the laws of the United States serve in the U.S. military (if needed) do important work for the nation (if needed) It can be said that in capitalism, government accumulates wealth and then redistributes it to citizens. China is not a socialist country; it is an oligarchic authoritarian regime. My concern about the text are the hyperlinks and how they are integrated within the content. Teach Me Economics. Engaging for an open textbook. They examine these conflicts in our democracy by reading primary sources, summarizing based on textual evidence, and beginning analysis of multiple perspectives for text. Also, where is David Hume? Donald A. Ritchie, Richard C. Remy. Students may understand the material better and make a deeper connection regarding the relationship of the Bureaucracy to the Executive Branch if it is covered after the chapter on the Presidency, before the Courts. The text being published in 2016, there are several locations that need to be updated. There is a consistent pattern in terms of the major headings outlined at the beginning of the book. Focus on big ideas with an accessible student text built around essential questions and inquiry. There are numerous features that are used to help students engage with content (summaries, supplemental reading, graphics and break outs). The text is written in a clear and accessible way. The professor can supply larger themes to the broader course and this textbook can fit nearly any theme with important and clear information on American Government. It offers an excellent collection of concepts and ideas useful to political science students. Also in terms of comprehensiveness, there are 17 chapters in total, which at one chapter per week is at least three or four more chapters than most instructors will be able to get through in a semester. read more, The chapters in the Kurtz et al e-book covers all relevant chapters of American Government and even offers chapters on Foreign policy, Domestic policy and State and Local government. . I didnt find any interface issues in this textbook. Yes, the text is clearly divided into sections, chapters, and subchapters, all numerically outlined and structured in a clear way. The attention to both content and process in the chapters on policy is useful. Separation of powers refers to the process of dividing government into different branches and giving . The respective discussions involving each of the aforementioned groups is objective, open minded, and balanced. Well written with solid organization, the chapters flow nicely together. Reviewed by Nicholas Goedert, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech on 6/20/17, The text is impressively comprehensive, both with respect to its range of coverage and depth of discussion of each topic. 9780078747625 United States Government Democracy in. I was not able to determine any instances of errors, although there are a few places where the coverage was a bit subjective or questionable. Ideas are presented in a clear, logical fashion, and transitions between sections flow smoothly. Actually, I think it is. The Charter of the OAS was signed in Bogot in 1948 and entered into force in . In fact, Kurtz et al. The Declaration of Independence and parts of the Constitution are in the Appendices. Established in the introduction are the necessity and rationale for student interest and participation in their government. To some extent, though, that would make this a book with a specific orientation, which defies one of its strengths. In addition, the chapter on the Bureaucracy is placed in the "Outputs of Government" section alongside the chapters on domestic and foreign policy, rather than its more traditional place just after The Presidency. The text's clarity is excellent. It does not explain some additional reasons why the two-party system in the U.S. persists. Reviewed by Rolfe Peterson, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Susquehanna University on 2/11/20, This textbook is extremely comprehensive. } Mixed views of structural changes in the political system. Many different races, backgrounds, ethnicities are presented to give the reader a well-rounded picture of how all different groups participate in the American governmental process. Reviewed by Robert Asaadi, Instructor, Portland State University on 3/11/20, updated 4/16/20, Thorough coverage of the main thematic areas generally addressed by introductory American Government textbooks. Yes, the topics are presented in logical and clear fashion. Overall the book is extremely well edited. A democracy, consequently, must be confined to a small . Overall, I like the organization of each chapter with the review questions, further reading and film suggestions. 1. 1. Student Edition: Focus on the big ideas with an accessible print student text built around Essential Questions and Inquiry. Maximize comprehension with the Reading Help Desk in each lesson to assist students with building vocabulary, cultivating reading strategies, and strengthening note-taking skills. Analyze a variety of primary and secondary sources including text excerpts, political cartoons, photographs, graphs, maps, and more. Develop strong critical thinking, analytical, and compromise skills with Debate and Deliberation features. Challenge students to "be the judge" in Supreme Court Case Studies; students will classify arguments, assign unmarked opinions and decide cases, apply precedents to recent cases, and conduct in-class moot courts. Customize the learning experience for differentiated instruction using leveled reading, customizable assessments and worksheets, and flexible online learning tools. Facilitate mastery of complex principles with dynamic digital tools. Complete List of Documents. A Constitutional Democracy Interactive Notebook, which works for both print and Google Drive, investigates and helps gain an understanding of how the federal, state, and local governments in the United States work under the Constitution and the responsibilities of citizenship. While each citizen only has a small say, they do have some say in how the government is run and who runs the government. My biggest concerns lie with the unconventional ordering of the material, as well as the density of the text throughout. I found no appreciable errors in the textbook. For their effort and expertise, I commend them and those who have supported this project. I found the textbook culturally sensitive and in no way offensive. Faculty involved in the project have endeavored to make government workings, issues, debates, and impacts meaningful and memorable to students while maintaining the conceptual coverage and rigor inherent in the subject. For example, Chapter 1, Section 3 has a discussion on civic engagement along with colorful graphs and data pertaining to 18-29 yr olds and their political participation. It covers all the bases of an Introduction to American Government and then some. Students will develop an appreciation for the value of citizenship and civic . United States Government: A Textbook. I have also discovered no instances in which the presentation seems unduly slanted or biased. The new survey of the public's views of democracy and the political system by Pew Research Center was conducted online Jan. 29-Feb. 13 among 4,656 adults. But the book helpfully highly new and key phrases, and uses plentiful figures and sidebars to improve clarity. There are numerous ways to define or describe political power, and they should be conveyed in the textbook. The content is presented in a way that scaffolds the reader's knowledge from basic understanding of the historical context and key concepts toward analysis, synthesis, and finally enables critical assessment of ideas. There is an additional chapter on State & Local government aside from the chapter on federalism - which offers An innovative inclusion is that, in addition to the standard chapter on federalism, American Government (2e) also includes a separate chapter (14) on State and Local Governments. So concludes a recent study by Princeton University Prof Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Prof Benjamin I Page. Cumulative Hands-On Chapter Projects and additional Technology Extension activity provide authentic performance assessment. It follows the standard layout of American Government textbooks and offers an effective and easily searchable index. read more. Of course, the question is how many students really do that? Geraldo Rivera?) The content is very up-to-date and includes/examines relevant current issues. The text acknowledges multiple perspectives of race, ethnicity, gender, ability and other backgrounds. The Government Manual is a regularly updated special edition of . Content is very much up to date. Reviewed by Shawn Osborne, Instructor, Portland Community College on 8/21/16, As an introduction to American Government, the text covers the areas and ideas of the subject at a very comprehensive level. The textbook is written in a way that is easy to understand. have even added very impressive policy chapters (domestic and foreign) that you only see on occasion. This is a hard aspect of any textbook. The index is useful. This is a pragmatic generation of learners. Title: The language is accessible for students in higher education; and likely high school juniors and seniors. For class, it would probably be necessary to inform students of the most important links to review. Although the U.S. has been a strong proponent of democracy, it did not invent democracy. Logical and standard fare. It could easily be mistaken for a book that costs students $75, and so that fact that it is free of charge means everybody should use it. Some of the pages could use a little more color to add some pop. I have not tested it on a smartphone; however, on a computer the book is easy to navigate - to move between chapters, sections, pages, etc is easy. I wish there were more pictures though to break up the text and to enhance the reading. This textbook is extremely comprehensive. The only section that I would point to specifically that I think could be improved significantly comes in Chapter 2, Section 5 and the discussion of Constitutional Change. For example, I do a lot with the 9th Amendment, but it only has three paragraphs in the textbook. The online availability is of course also excellent for today's students. My preference would be to have these topics addressed earlier on in the textbook. The text is easily and readily visible and permits an instructor to select what to cover based on the learning objectives of each chapter. The text then moves through its substantive topics in a coherent manner with useful transitions between topics. This book does a much better job of bringing these groups in than some other texts I have seen. Voting is one way to participate in our democracy. The content is concise to the point it is accessible for early undergraduates, but also in depth enough that real coverage of the topics exists. The book is accurate and error-free. These add up quickly and at times break up material where paragraphs or explanations would benefit from remaining connected. The chapter on civil rights includes sections on African Americans, women, native Americans, Alaskans, Hawaiians and the LGBTQ community. The Bill of Rights. Equality in voting 2. Foundations of American Government.