From Gatshadow, Orattim spread his evil corruption across the region. the Anathema,[7] During the Dawn War, he created the Abyss, an act for which he was imprisoned by the gods. Examples of fiends so used include Iuz and Zuggtmoy, and the Princes of Elemental Evil. Although imprisoned, Tharizdun still has a degree of his original multiverse-threatening power: he is officially a Divine Rank 11 (out of 20) deity, as of Dragon #294. This island has a huge monolith on it connected to a vast ethereal chain that connects it to Tharizdun's prison world. Buried with the Chained God, the Abyssal Heart unleashed its fury. Lets hear from you in the comments below or on Facebook (themagictavernlgs)! The avatar was thought to have been destroyed, but in reality it only went into dormancy. If there was not more, I wouldnt have mentioned him. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. [14], A new cult of Tharizdun was formed by the plague demon Murmur in 1479 DR after a burnt portion of its corpse was discovered by the Firestorm Cabal in Akanl. Regardless whether the PCs face the cult of Tharizdun while they are attacking a local populace or while they are investigating the disappearance of local people who will serve as sacrifices, they realize that this cult is nothing but trouble to its lands. Is there a god of world building or god of life, death, or knowledge? Thriszdun is the chaotic evil god who created the Abyss. [5][13], His role in the cosmology of the Planescape campaign setting was described in On Hallowed Ground (1996). [21], When Lolth was banished early in the Calamity, her drow fled the surface world to rebuild underground. This one, however, is crystalline in nature. He Who Waits,[7] It possessed Leheren, one of the members of the Cabal, and created a secret order within the order devoted to freeing Tharizdun and releasing him on the continent of Faern. During the Dawn War, he created the Abyss, an act for which he was imprisoned by the gods. The original module can be legally downloaded from, Dms Guild also has a 5E updated module for sale cheap. Offer light and life into its all-consuming maw so that it may surpass all divinities and be freed. by Ero_SS Dec 17, 2017 . Feedback is much appreciated. [1], Channel power to the Chained God, so he can break his chains. "Channel power to the Chained God, so he . Each setting has it's own religions, planes, demi planes, etc. Moradin used the Core Anvil to craft the Prime Trammels used in the Rites of Prime Banishment. He has a wicked smile and eyes that scream of insanity. This god, Tharizdun, found his mind and spirit opened to the obyriths trapped in their dying darkness. Divine Scourge (1/Day). One of my players wants to become a god, and I suggested the Big T as appropriate as he's a Chaotic Evil fire mage. Should he ever escape from his prison, it is thought that even the most evil of deities would work with their good counterparts to return Tharizdun to his prison. " It is a mad god originating from Oerth who wants to destroy everything. Here are some preliminary thoughts that I'm liking. Instead, his people mutated into scorpion-like monsters, and his realm decayed into a desert. Tharizdun doesnt speak to his followers, so his commands are unknown, but his cults teach their members to: Channel power to the Chained God, so he can break his chains. Feedback is much appreciated. [32], Tharizdun is speculated to be the malign entity known to be trapped within the Demiplane of Imprisonment, a massive mile-wide crystal floating through the Ethereal Plane. Really well done, I haven't done much work in super high-level encounters, but as a player that would terrify me to see dropped onto the table as a mini. TCS He is responsible for the creation of the Abyss during the Dawn War, which caused the rest of the gods to unite against him. Abyss As the final boss, I intend to run the level 30 characters against him in a solo encounter. by duck25 Mar 12, 2015 . In the Dungeons and Dragons Novel Series "Abyssal Plague" Tharizdun's prison is revealed to be a universe that has long since been destroyed by that realm's own version of the Abyss known as the Voidharrow. Province He is part of the Greyhawk pantheon. In the adventure module anthology Ghosts of Saltmarsh (2019),[26] the Cult of Tharizdun is a major plot device in the final chapter set in The Styes. His followers hope to set him free. In Gary Gygax's Gord the Rogue Series, there were a set of three artifacts known as the Theoparts, which, combined, could free Tharizdun. Deity information Chauntea has the highest divine rank out of the gods with stats listed. It is located in the Ghetto of Foreigners, and resembles a black ziggurat. tharizdun the chained god 5e stats. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Tell by its stripes: Tiger options for yourgame, article discussing the origins of the dark fate of the Queen of Air and Darkness, e original module can be legally downloaded from, Dms Guild also has a 5E updated module for sale, Artist credit goes to C.T. Tharizdun's temple in the Yatils is thought to have been originally defeated with the aid of the legendary Six from Shadow.[28]. The anti magic cone is meant to come from a single point fixed to Tharizdun that can be rotated based on where Tharizdun wants it to be. scott hayworth, md net worth; crocodile hunter pilot; buddy holly plane crash; how long to veg in 3 gallon pots; usdt wallet app; waxcenter zenoti login; nakobe dean nfl draft mock; dave ramsey internship. Tharizdun appears as one of the deities described in the Dungeon Master's Guide (2008) for this edition. the Eater of Worlds,[7] Thanks to Torog's efforts, Tharizdun became known instead as the Chained God. Crossposted by. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. As the Dark God, he is described as an incorporeal wraithform, black and faceless. [art 5], Tharizdun is an ancient entity, possibly older than even the other gods. "Shadow of Shothragot: The Price of Survival." Short Term Furnished Rentals In Naples Florida. If Thardizun is reduced to zero hitpoints, he doesn't die, he forms an ebon coccoon around himself. Pantheon Through the Scorpion Crown, he is said to have destroyed the ancient kingdom of Sulm. Additionally the "take another creature's legendary action" thing is really cool in concept but would practically be a huge amount of book-keeping and potentially produce weird results. June 16, 2022. I could see this working really well as using the shapechange to hide his true form and scope out the party secretly, and then revealing himself in the last act. As the Dark God, he is described as an incorporeal wraithform, black and faceless. My campaign revolves around The Chained God, Tharizdun. It/Its This cannot raise your Strength stat above 20 Tharizdun The Chained God is trapped in the Abyss that he himself created. No one knows how few shackles must remain to keep it at bay. Tentacle Strike: (minor action usable once per round, at-will) Melee: Reach 3: +38 vs AC: 2d8+5 damage. the Despised,[7] Entities of this type include Ghaunadar, called That Which Lurks; Tharizdun, the Chained God; Dendar, the Night Serpent; Zargon, the Returner; Great Cthulhu; and other unfathomable beings. Available online: This page was last edited on 7 February 2023, at 08:40. So much storyline and roleplay to be had! (Vestiges of Divergence from the Tal'Dorie Campaign Guide), epic boons, and fairly high stats. The beetles are mutated by feeding on the waste of otyughs within the temple, who possess horrible tentacles and beaks like that of a grell.[20]. We hope to learn as much from you and your stories and adventures as you do from us. [19] The other gods imprisoned him after he used a shard of pure evil to create the Abyss. Change). tharizdun the chained god 5e stats. Defying their command to plant the shard into the Astral Sea, he instead planted it deep in the center of the Elemental Chaos, the final resting place of the fallen Primordials. 5, May 1934. The target is Grappled (escape DC 14) if the devil isn't already Grappling a creature. The evil Archomentals, five powerful beings believed to be his offspring, are possible allies in his plots, and were intended to be accomplices during The Return to the Temple of Elemental module. Most of Tharizdun's ancient scriptures are long lost. For this action, the rest of the pantheon worked together to banish Tharizdun (too powerful to be destroyed outright) to a prison demiplane, chained for eternity. The legendary/lair action mimicry was meant to show his connection to other creatures he helped shape directly or indirectly. His holy symbols are a dark spiral rune and a two-tiered inverted ziggurat known as an obex. [10] Tharizdun forged a reality-warping stone dagger called the Blade of Broken Mirrors using the life force of a glabrezu. Worshipers Tharizdun, the Dark God, He of Eternal Darkness, is an evil deity of decay, insanity and darkness. But coming in contact with it draws unsuspecting heroes into dreamscapes which include, not only, his worshipers, but those who have the dark fate to have their dreams invaded by the Dark One. They are spellcasters in D&D 5e who draw their power from ancient knowledge and arcane secrets. The Overgod did not imprison Tharizdun's lieutenants, but instead banished them to the Abyss, preventing them from entering the Elemental Chaos or the Mortal World. Tharizdun has no allies among the gods. ), Secrets of Old Pandora: The First Five Levels (A PF2e West Marches Report), Ignore/Block Essentials, Paid Registrations by. the Dark God, The followers of Tharizdun are few and secretive, and most people do not even know that he was once worshiped. [24], In as far as the enigmatic Tharizdun favors any one weapon, most concur that it is the dagger, and followers of the Dark God often carry sharp, curved daggers with which they conduct terrible rituals of sacrifice. His clerics traditionally wear black or purple robes. This is mainly due to the fact that the PC would have a hard time following such a dark patron unless youre running an evil campaign. After creating and abandoning the Abyss he marshalled an army against all the other gods and the primordials. Tharizdun ( pronounced: / r z d n / thar-IZ-dun) was a long-forgotten interloper god originating from Oerth who sought to destroy all that is. See, Official art of Pelor battling Tharizdun, by, Official art of Ioun battling Tharizdun, by, Critical Role: Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting. [31], Over a thousand years ago, Tharizdun gifted the Scorpion Crown to Shattados, king of the empire of Sulm.[6]. the Undoer,[7] No beings have encountered Tharizdun for over a millennium, and his alignment can only be inferred from that of his insane followers. It is quite possible, if they get this far, they will either go mad, be killed or be trapped with the Cyst for all eternity. Rao's followers believe that the Crook of Rao was originally crafted by that god for the purpose of banishing Tharizdun's dark forces. Its purpose is to spread a prophecy of Tharizdun's return, and ultimately to unleash him upon the world. We need editors! While the other entities in the Pantheon have different interpretations of how they are depicted in artwork, tapestries, and tomes, every record of Tharizdun is amorphous and without physical manifestation. The PCs show up at the final battle to find that Tharizdun has killed many of the Gods, and incapacitated the rest - and is about to kill the PC's God of choice! No one knows what he was before besides power hungry. Type Tharizdun has been imprisoned in a distant demiplane for longer than anyone can remember. Tharizdun is an ancient entity, possibly older than even the other gods. Against the back wall is a black stone trapezoidal structure (the left wall angled slightly more than the right). Followers of Tharizdun conduct terrible rituals of sacrifice. The higher acolytes of Tharizdun, as part of their ritual of ascension and to show their true faith, often remove their eyes so they can peer through shadow and light with its boon. The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun (1982). Tharizdun's priest is a human male, of average height, with wild dark hair, sticking up in all directions. This, for the Warlock, would be your familiar through Pact of the Chain, the book through Pact of the Tome or your weapon from Pact of the Blade, obviously. Contact with the deity brings insanity and death, and no accurate surviving descriptions or depictions of him remain. That plane's prisoner is an insane entity from another reality dedicated to the destruction of all things, his nightmarish thoughts occasionally bubbling through and leaking into the dreamscapes of his worshipers. Includes 4 subclasses: Elder Dragon, Deep One, Primordial Beast, and Destroyer! Alignment Seal a legendary creature and wield their power as your own! [29], Riley Trepanier, for GameRant, highlighted Tharizdun as a deity for players to oppose in 5th Edition. They think that by helping him destroy this one they'll be given power - maybe even be the new gods - in Tharizdun's new world that will replace it. What have YOU done with Tharizdun in YOUR campaign. There are multiple different settings, which could equate to something like a multiverse. Already a deity, he still hungered for more and more power and his discovery of the shard was just the promise of power he was looking for. In the Dungeons and Dragons Novel Series "Abyssal Plague", Tharizdun's prison is revealed to be a universe that has long since been destroyed by that realm's own version of the Abyss known as the Voidharrow. [7], Kingsley Tealeaf's dreams of his confinement and escape from Lucien included memories of strange black chains that invisibly wove through Cognouza, now broken, the sound of them shattering between worlds, and the angry, unknowable, primal, ancient cry that he could never forget. 401 Tactical Fighter Wing, In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game, Tharizdun (/rzdn/)[3] is the god of Eternal Darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign Knowledge, Insanity, and Cold. [16] They make heavy use of black stone and an archaic trapezoidal building pattern. Build ideas may come from it, however. His second holy symbol of an inverted ziggurat indicates that the work of those who bound him would be overturned, according to Gygax.[27]. The locations of each shackle fane are closely guarded secrets within the highest clergy of the Dawnfather and the Knowing Mistress,[18] although one is located in the crypt deep beneath the Chantry of the Dawn in Rexxentrum. Pelor wears a white cloak over an intricate golden plate armor. During the age of the Founding, the Primordials' slaughter of the mortal races the creator gods had formed drew the attention of the demons of the Abyss, who poured into the world to feast on the carrion. Holy Books & Codes Most of Tharizdun's ancient scriptures are long lost. The characteristics of the Chained Oblivions influence are bouts of uncontrollable hunger, uncharacteristic aggression, and eventually violent mania. In Tal'Dorei, Tharizdun took advantage of Lolth's reduced influence: it began to whisper to the drow nobility, and its aberrations subtly besieged the drow civilization in the darkness. He originated in the World of Greyhawk campaign setting but has since also appeared in other settings. Chaotic Evil[1] Some of his clerics also use a two-tiered inverted ziggurat, known as the Obex. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. [7], Cultists of Tharizdun made ritualized attempts to contact their imprisoned deity, but over centuries they became disillusioned and complacent. Their ultimate discovery is the BLACK CYST; an evil entity of writhing darkness and tentacles. To a Warlock, he is a Great Old One Patron. After the god's war they saw what Tharizdun had created and what he was becoming. No one knows what he was before besides power hungry. He is not mentioned in the Player's Handbook or named in the Monster Manual, because the fact of his existence is not widely known. Gender [28], The cult of Tharizdun possesses numerous artifacts and lesser magic items sacred to the Dark God, and devotes considerable resources to finding more. It is a massive sphere of black tar, buried beneath the world for a thousand years. The players are in early Epic at this time. [10], Tharizdun is followed by the Black Brotherhood, a dangerous sect of the Suloise Scarlet Brotherhood.[11]. Recently freed, Shothragot hopes to collect the 333 gems of Tharizdun and set its master free. This entity was the god, Tharizdun. Parasitic Tentacle. But.. The focus could be an artifact dear to Tharizdun with a spark of his power. The Ziggurat of Black is an ancient tower in the Tilvanot Pensinsula, constructed of flat black metal. [18], There is a temple to Tharizdun hidden in the Free City of Greyhawk. Tharizdun. Although Tharizdun has been imprisoned, hes kept a good portion of his powers, having a divine rank of 11 (out of 20). [7], The elhoriads are blackened, undead skeletons with a deadly entropic touch. Home plane Chain: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. [2], A temple to Tharizdun exists in the Drachengrabs, a mountain range of Oerth. [33], In a time before surviving record, forgotten temples of Tharizdun were built by evil cultists of that dark god, who gathered in his name to undertake terrible deeds. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Tharizdun is the chaotic evil god who created the Abyss. Phone: 7045552030 / 9819158138. "Dark Bargains" (2x83) Its purpose is to locate and restore that god's ancient and forgotten temples and awaken his sleeping guardians. Entities of this type include Ghaunadar, called That Which Lurks; Tharizdun, the Chained God; Dendar, the Night Serpent; Zargon, the Returner; Great Cthulhu; and other unfathomable beings. Inside is a long pentagon shaped hallway, about 70' long. A dark, chained god working through an insane cult to bring about the end of all things would be challenging to any campaign. 194 217 7. Something mad. In the Fourth Edition Monster Manual, Tharizdun is described as creating the Abyss and the demons that live there by corrupting a portion of the elemental chaos using a shard of pure evil. Although not many people in the Flanaess are aware that Tharizdun exists, it is said that public knowledge of one of his ziggurats would be enough to "raise an army of paladins". Their current location is unknown, but it is certain that the collection was split up long ago. Death[1]Grave[1]Trickery[1] Tharizdun has many known artifacts. A few operate more openly in remote wilderness areas where the locals are too few and too cowardly to challenge them. [11], Tharizdun's exact dogma is unknown, as the ages he was imprisoned in the Abyss along with his own growing insanity left him unable to communicate in a meaningful manner. The gods all united, and with their combined power they locked Tharizdun away in a secret prison somewhere in the universe. Tharizdun The Chained God is trapped in the Abyss that he himself created. [7], Tharzidun was not simply neutral evil; his evil transcended law and chaos, reflecting a primal nature so ancient it went back to the early days of the Great Wheel cosmology. Similarly, Tharizdun, sensing opportunity in what Obann wanted, allowed Obann to imagine into being a manifestation of Tharizdun's influence in the form of the "Angel of Irons". If you find yourself drawn in the narcissistic dream of He Who Waits, madness may wait with him. Multiattack. Tharizdun, the Chained Oblivion Homebrew Statblock. The Chained God has many names [and epithets], but perhaps the name most commonly uttered by His worshipers is Tharizdun. Contents 1 Background 2 Dogma 3 Divine Powers 4 Avatars 4.1 Avatar of Tharizdun 4.2 Shothragot 5 Clergy and Worshippers 5.1 Allies 5.2 Clergy 5.3 Worshippers But there is more. Because it is one of the WG modules, it is a module intended for the World of Greyhawk . He is one of the prime creator gods of Exandria. [19] The other gods imprisoned him after he used a shard of pure evil to create the Abyss. This could all culminate in finding one or more places in your world that have powerful connections to The Dark One. [23], Under the aspect of the Elder Elemental Eye, his holy symbol is a downward-pointing black triangle with an inverted yellow Y within it. The 4th edition Tharizdun is not associated with aberrations, and the location of his prison is not known. Above the altar is a glowing red orb that seems to be part of the wall. But Tharizdun wanted more than just he demonic realm, he, at first, wanted ALL of the Elemental CHaos and, then, all of existance! It may become a race to the place where the Chained Oblivion iswellchained. Although imprisoned, Tharizdun still has a degree of his original multiverse-threatening power: he is officially a Divine Rank 11 (out of 20) deity, as of Dragon #294.